The structure of body parts and their relationship to one another.
What is Anatomy?
Studying internal structures over the skin (taking a person's pulse)
What is surface anatomy?
Studying developmental anatomy of a body going through changes before birth
What is embryology?
The 2nd level of the Body Organization: combining of molecules to form organelles which are found inside a cell
What is cellular level?
All body cells are _____________ to one another.
What is interdependent?
The function of the body; how the body parts work and carry out their life-sustaining activities
What is Physiology?
Studying structures that are too small to be seen with the naked eye
What is microscopic anatomy?
Scientific terminology is typically always in
What is Latin or Greek?
The 3rd level of Body Organization: groups of similar cells have a common function
What is tissue level?
Separation between _______ and _______ environments must exist: plasma membranes separate cells; skin separates organisms from environment
What is internal and external?
The study of large body structures.
What is Gross (Macroscopic)Anatomy?
The study of cells in the body
What is cytology?
The study of kidney function and urine production in the urinary system
What is renal physiology?
The 4th level of the Body Organization: group of at least 2 tissue types that perform a specific function in the body
What is organ level?
Muscular systems allow _______
What is movement?
When all structures in a particular region of the body are examined at the same time (all of the blood, nerves found in the arm)
What is regional anatomy?
The study of tissues in the body
What is histology?
The operation of the heart and blood vessels
What is cardiovascular physiology?
The 5th level of the Body Organization: organs that work together to accomplish a common purpose
What is the organ system level?
The movement at the cellular level
What is contractility?
A body studied system by system (studying all of the organs making up the digestive system).
What is systemic anatomy?
Studying structural changes in the body throughout its life span
What is developmental anatomy?
The bottom level of Body Organization: atoms (building blocks of matter) are combines to form molecules (eg water, proteins)
What is chemical level?
The TOP level of the Body Organization: the sum total of all structural levels working together to keep an organism alive
What is the organismal level?
Ability to sense and respond to stimuli (reflexes that prevent injury; control of breathing rate)
What is responsiveness?