Your body takes this in through food and contain chemicals used for energy and cell building.
What are nutrients.
This term means the head end or upper part of a structure or the body; above.
What is superior (cranial or cephalad).
This term refers to the anterior body trunk inferior to ribs.
What is the abdominal region.
This term means to cut along the lengthwise, or longitudinal, plane of the body, dividing the body into right and left parts.
What is sagittal plane.
The term that means to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing.
What is homeostasis.
Human cells can survive only a few minutes without this.
What is oxygen.
What is ventral (anterior).
This term refers to the nose area.
This terms means to cutting along a horizontal plane, dividing the body or organ into superior and inferior parts.
What is transverse or cross section.
98.6 degrees Farenheit is considered this
What is "normal body temperature".
If this drops, metabolic reactions become slower and slower and finally stop.
What is body temperature.
What is proximal.
This term refers to thigh.
This term means to cut along a lengthwise plane that divides the body or organ into anterior and posterior parts.
What is frontal or coronal section.
The force exerted on the surface of the body by the weight of air.
What is atmospheric pressure.
This term means toward or at the body surface.
What is superficial.
This term refers to the mouth.
What is oral.
This is a term for the imaginary line through the body
What is plane.
This term means away from the body surface; more internal.
What is deep.
This term refers to breastbone area.
What is sternal.
This term is used as another way of saying to make a cut.
What is section.