The Study of the Past
Understanding through History
Studying Places,People and Location
Geography and History
Vocabulary Terms
The study of the past.
What is History?
It is a guide to making better decisions in the future.Understanding the past helps us to understand the world today.
What is Understanding through history?
They study landforms, natural features of the land's surface, mountains, valleys, plains.
What is a physical geographer?
People who lived along the rivers learned to make fishhooks and boats. People who lived near forests built homes from wood. Some people developed religious beliefs based on the geography of their area.
What is how Geography shapes cultures?
Materials found in the earth that people need and value.
What are resources?
It is an imprint of something that once lived.
What is a fossil?
It shapes our identity and teaches us the values that we share.
What is knowing others through understanding history?
The pattern of weather conditions in a certain area over a long period of time.
What is climate?
People could only survive in areas where they could get enough food and water. Early people settled in areas where materials found in the earth were needed and valued.
What is how Geography affects resources?
An area with one or more features that make it different from surrounding areas.
What is a region?
The study of objects that people created,used, and left behind.
What are artifacts?
Knowing history helps one understand how today's events are shaped by the events of the past. Individuals and countries both benefit from the wisdom that history can teach.
What is knowing your world through history?
It is the study of people and the places they live.
What is Human Geography?
It has affected the growth of societies, they were able to build glorious cities and powerful armies. These influences between humans and their environment has been a major factor in history.
What is how Geography influences history?
The study of the earth's physical and cultural features.
What is Geography?
They explore places where people once lived,worked, or fought.
What is an Archeologist?
History also promotes good decision-making skills.
What is knowing your world through understanding history?
The exact description of where something is. Every place on Earth has it.
What is location?
Includes living and non-living things.
What is environment?
Information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness an event.
What is a secondary source?
They are interested in how daily lives are lived. How and where people worked, fought, traded, and worshipped.
What is a Historian?
It was invented 5,000 years ago.
What is writing?
They are over 4,000 years old.Geographers use these to study various locations.
What are maps?
An account of an event created by someone who took part in or witnessed the event.
What is a primary source?
The knowledge, beliefs, customs,and values of a group of people, and the study of the past based on what people left behind.
What is culture and archaeology?