The Branches of Government
Checks and Balances
Farwell Addresses: Citizenship and Civic Virtue

The Executive Branch_________ laws. 

A. Enforces

B. Makes

C. Spells

A: Enforces


Which statement describes the next step in how a bill becomes a law?

Legislators vote on the bill in the House of Representatives


 Based on the diagram, which power does only the national government have?

  1. a)  going to war

  2. b)  borrowing money

  3. c)  passing new laws

  4. d)  making voting rules

 A: Going to War


Which of these activities is the best example of good citizens?

  1. a)  paying low prices for goods in a store

  2. b)  serving on a jury

  3. c)  saving money

  4. d)  attending a jazz concert

A: Serving on a Jury

(This may have been incorrect in your study guide). REMEMBER IT PLEASE OOPS! 

P.S I will do better next time...:(


The powers of each branch are limited by a system of _________________.

Checks and Balances


Which document sets the form of government for the United States? 

The Constitution


 Based on the diagram, which powers do only the states have? Select the two correct answers

A. collecting taxes
B. running elections
C. creating a military
D. setting up public schools 

E. controlling trade between states

A and D: running elections, set up public schools


Which statement best describes the purpose of voting in elections?  

  1. a)  to decide which laws citizens can stop following

  2. b)  to decide who will represent citizens in government

  3. c)  to decide of companies should hire more employees

  4. d)  to decide whether someone can start a new company

A: to decide who will represent citizens in government

  1. Which phrase replaces the question mark beneath the judicial branch?

decides the meaning of laws


What is one way the president can check the power of Congress? 

The president has the power to veto laws passed by Congress.


 Which statement best describes the relationship between state governments and the federal government under the U.S. Constitution? 

  1. a)  Congress must work with states to pass laws.

  2. b)  The president shares judicial power with state governors.

  3. c)  States must follow laws passed by the U.S. Congress.

  4. d)  A state senator is more powerful than the president.

States must follow laws passed by the U.S. Congress.


Why do hundreds of thousands of people try to become U.S. citizens each year?

U.S. citizenship offers many benefits, including being able to vote, run for office, and more easily get citizenship for other family members.

  1. What principle of the U.S. Constitution is shown in the diagram? 

Separation of Powers


True or False? 

The reason for having separate branches of government is not just to give each branch a different job but to give them jobs that “check,” or limit, the power of the other branches so that power is balanced. 



What is federalism?

A. Buying and Selling Goods

B. Trading Materials

C. A system of dividing powers between the national government and the states.

D. Process of becoming a police officer. 

C: A system of dividing powers between the national government and the states.


Use the excerpt from President Obama’s farewell address to answer the question.
 . . . I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged
[interested], and they come together to demand it.
According to President Obama’s speech, how do Americans make change?

  1. a)  by becoming citizens

  2. b)  by showing civic virtue

  3. c)  by using checks and balances

  4. d)  by using separation of powers

A: Civic Virtue


How do Supreme Court justices differ from the president and members of Congress? 

Supreme Court justices are appointed to their positions for life. This is different from the president and members of Congress, who are elected by citizens for a set number of years.


 How can Congress overturn a president’s veto? 

  1. a)  Congress can make the bill into a law with a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress.

  2. b)  Congress can send the bill to state courts.

  3. c)  Congress can ask the public to vote on the bill.

  4. d)  Congress can have the bill made into a law with a three-fourths vote by state legislatures.

A Congress can make the bill into law with a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. 


What are some powers that are shared by national and state governments? 

Both national and state governments collect taxes, borrow money, set up courts, and make laws about public health and safety.


Use the excerpt from President Reagan’s radio address to answer the question.
Every time we vote we’re grabbing a hold of a lifeline that’s 3,000 miles long and more than two centuries old and, with millions of others, helping to pull America forward into the future. Yes, every time we vote we’re standing up, side by side, with the Founding Fathers, with the men of Valley Forge, with patriots and pioneers throughout our history, with all those who dedicated their lives to making this a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.
What was President Reagan saying about voting? 

  1. a)  It was more important in the past than it is today.

  2. b)  It only works if millions of Americans do it.

  3. c)  It is part of a long American tradition.

  4. d)  It is not very important.

A: It is part of a long American tradition.