All the living and nonliving things in an area
the ability to see
Something that gets changed in an experiment is called a variable?
the way something is shaped or what it is made out of that makes it good for a specific function
What is true about the structure of a pig's nose?
It is large and round for smelling and digging
information that supports an answer to a question
An animal uses it's what to find food, water?
Their 5 senses
All animals have light receptors that work the same way.
Which animal uses its tongue to pick up smells?
This animal was in our Investigating Animal Senses, they investigated the animal by taking the mealworm and placing a solid pipe over to see what sense it would use.
what something can do
What information could you get about objects when they were blocked? * Think of the investigating animal senses book
Things you can see, things you can hear
All animals can see very well at night time.
What is the problem we are trying to solve in this unit?
It's getting harder for Tokay Geckos to survive
What do cats use to help with their sense
their whiskers
an attempt to find out about something
Wendy woke up one night because she smelled smoke in her bedroom. A small fire had started in the kitchen. She and her family left their house and called the fire department. The fire department put out the fire.
What sense did she use?
Her sense of smell
Structure means the way something is shaped, or what it's made out of.
Which environment do Tokay Geckos live in?
This animal uses it sight to see its food
The Tokya Gecko
how an animal gets information from its environment
An octopus uses its eyes to see a predator near it in the water. The octopus feels scared. It releases a colored liquid into the water. This allows the octopus to hide from the predator and get away.
Which of these describes the octopus receiving information from its senses?
The octopus uses its eyes to see a predator near it in the water
The Tokay Gecko uses it vision to find most of it's food.
What does a Conservation Biologist do?
Help animals and plants survive
The animal uses its feet in the water to find it's food (think of the video we watched)