What is the name for a mini nation or city-state?
What is Polis?
How was the council of 500 chosen?
It was chosen by lot
Who won the Ionia war.
What is the Persian?
What is the name for an open area in a city-state that is used for markets and gossip?
What is an Agora?
At what age could Spartan men retire from military service?
What is 60
What is the name for a set of principles or rules for governing
What is Constitution
Which leader of Greece tried to reform government? He failed due to harsh punishments.
Who is Draco?
What happened during the Marathon war?
What is Pheidippides ran 26.2 miles and died?
What is a fortified hill with a temple to worship a god?
What is an Acropolis?
What could Spartan women do that women in other city-states could not?
What is they had more freedom to mix freely with men and participate in sports
What is the term for the form of government in which a few people have the ruling power.
What is Oligarchy
Who was a Greek leader who was supported by the poor.
Who is Pisistratus?
What happened during the Thermopylae war?
What is the Athenians themed up with the Spartans to defeat Persia.
Who built the Parthenon?
Who is Pearacleas?
Order these words in order based off class. (Lowest to Highest)
Helots, Perioeci, Aristocrats
What is the name for a three level warship with rowers on each sides?
What is a Triremes
Who is the Greek leader who made the first Athenian constitution.
Who is Solon
What happened during the Salamis War?
What is a naval battle?
Which city-state was located in the south central region of Greece?
What subjects did Athenian boys have to study in school?
What is writing, mathematics, and music
What is Democratic?
Who is the Greek leader that made the first Democratic constitution.
Who is Cleisthenes?
What is the Platea War?
What is the Final Battle?
What was the main goal of Sparta?
What is "to keep Sparta Strong"
What led to the decline of Athens and the other City-States?