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Britain, United Kingdom, Europe
Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Refusing to work – usually by a labor organization – until demands by the workers are met.
What is a strike?
A non military war between Democracy/ Capitalism and Communism.
What is the Cold War?
Italy and Japan
Who did Hitler ally with before WWII?
Assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What is the immediate cause of WWI?
Labor organizations that negotiate for worker conditions and pay.
What is a Union?
Karl Marx
Who is the philosopher that created the ideal of Communism?
November 11, 1918
What is the end of World War I?
A trade alliance within European countries. These countries have a common currency, they have cooperated in Science technologies, politics, and economics.
What is the European Union?
1.Mutual Defense Alliances 2. Imperialism 3.Militarism 4. Nationalism 5. Assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What are the 5 causes of WWI?
Economic, social and political system based on the teachings of Karl Marx – believed in no private property, one government, people are equal.
What is Communism?
Russia, Serbia, France, Britain, Italy, Japan & the United States of America
Who were the Allied Powers in WWI?
Was formed to respond to possible attacks by the Soviet Union.
What is The North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
Because European countries were competing for raw materials, labor and industrial areas in Africa and Asia.
Why did Imperialism play into the cause of WWI?
A term coined by Prime Minister Winston Churchill to describe how the USSR shut themselves off from Western Europe and wouldn't let people in or out.
What is the Iron Curtain?
natural resources, people, and raw materials.
Why was Britain a great place for the Industrial Revolution to begin?
A confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 over the presence of missile sites in Cuba; one of the “hottest” periods of the cold war!!
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
This plan offered billions of US dollars to help European countries after WWII. All countries were extended the offer – but only Western European countries took the money.
What is the Marshall Plan?
The USSR made a pact with their outlining countries that if one was attacked they ALL went to war!
What is the Warsaw Pact?
The ability of free enterprise to exist! People can vote for whom they want, people chose their careers and are paid according to their ability to work hard.
What is Capitalism?
July 28, 1914
What is the date World War I began. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania
Who are the countries that boarder the Iron Curtain?
Who was forced to take the blame for WWI at the Treat of Versailles?
A race between the US and the Soviet Union to see who could have more _____. Both countries competed for these and for the race to SPACE!
What is the Cold War Arms Race?