Eli Whitney invented this to make producing cotton much easier.
The cotton gin
What was the escape system slaves could use to get to Canada and freedom?
Underground Railroad
John Wilkes Booth
What were people called who opposed slavery?
Where was the first attack of the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
This inventor made many products with sweet potatoes and peanuts.
George Washington Carver
What was the strategy/attack where Union armies burned farms and houses?
Sherman's March to the Sea
Which nurse started the American Red Cross?
John Wilkes Booth
Two companies worked to build this across the country to increase trade and travel.
Transcontinental Railroad
Which battle did the Union win and it became the turning point of the war?
The Battle of Gettysburg
What company carried mail across the US until it was replaced by telegraphs?
The Pony Express
What document did Lincoln write saying that the slaves in rebel states were considered free?
The Emancipation Proclamation
Who was the president of the Confederate States?
Jefferson Davis
What became the motto of the US during this time?
In God we Trust
Where did General Lee surrender, ending the Civil War?
Appomattox Courthouse
What two ships were invented to be unsinkable by cannons?
The Merrimac and the Monitor
This law, which said that some states would join as free states and some states as slave states, was one of the things that led to the Civil War.
The Missouri Compromise
Who was the black statesman who recruited soldiers to fight for the Union?
Frederick Douglass
What were the taxes that the government put on different products that the South didn't like?
In which battle did the Union take control of the Mississippi River so that the Confederates couldn't get supplies?
Battle of Vicksburg