What does ‘Capital’ mean?
money available for investment
What does Militarism means?
the reliance on military strength
What does Abolitionist means?
a movement to end slavery
What does Multinational Empire means?
an empire in which people of many nationalities live
What does plebiscite mean?
a popular vote
What does Natural Selection means?
the principle set forth by Charles Darwin that some organisms are more adaptable to the environment than others; in popular terms, “survival of the fittest”
What does Secularization means?
indifference to or rejection of religion or religious consideration
What does cottage industry mean?
a method of production in which tasks are done by individuals in their rural homes
What does Socialism mean?
a system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production
What does entrepreneur mean?
a person who finds new business opportunities and new ways to make profits
What does Caudillo means?
in post-revolutionary Latin America, a strong leader who ruled chiefly by military force, usually with the support of the landed elite
What does emancipation mean?
the act of setting free
What does Creole means?
a person of European descent born in Latin America and living there permanently
What does Universal male Suffrage means?
the right of all males to vote in elections
What does Cash crop means?
a crop that is grown for sale rather than for personal use
What does Mestizo means?
a person of mixed European and Native American descent
What does puddling mean?
the process in which coke derived from coal is used to burn away impurities in crude iron to produce high quality iron
What does industrial capitalism mean?
an economic system based on industrial production or manufacturing
What does Kaiser means?
German for “caesar”; the title of the emperors of the Second German Empire
What does Peninsulare means?
a person born on the Iberian Peninsula; typically, a Spanish or Portuguese official who resided temporarily in Latin America for political and economic gain and then returned to Europe