Nutrition/ Nutrients
Importance of Nutrition/ Healthy Food Guidelines
Nutrition Labels and Food Safety
A unit of hea used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food
What is a Calorie?
How much of your total daily water intake comes from food?
What is 20%?
What department published the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
What is the USDA?
The spreading of pathogens from one food to another.
What is cross-contamination?
Nutrient that the body uses to build and maintain its cells tissues.
What is protein?
This is in all of your body cells and is essential for most body functions. Ex: -moving food through the digestive system. -digesting carbohydrates and protein, and aiding other chemical reactions in the body
What is water?
These foods have a high ratio of nutrients to calories.
What are nutrient-dense foods.
These dates help you determine how long the food will remain fresh.
What are open dates?
This animal can only eat when its head is upside down.
What is the flamingo?
Substances in food that your body needs to grow, repair itself, and supply you with energy.
What is nutrition?
This waxy, fatlike substance is needed to create cell walls, certain hormones, and vitamin D. However, excess in your blood can build up inside your arteries.
What is cholesterol?
An interactive guide to healthful eating and active living.
What is MyPlate
Substances added to a food to produce a desired effect.
What are food additives?
How many calories does banging your head against the wall burn?
What is 150 calories per hour?
These influences include the people and things around you, they also affect what you choose to eat.
What are environmental influences?
Moves waste through your digestive system. This may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Although your body cannot digest this, it plays an important role by aiding digestion and reducing the risk of disease
What is fiber?
Name at least three things included on a food label.
What is (Any of the following:) -the name of the food product. -the amount of food in the package. -the name and address of the company that makes, packages, or distributes the product. -the ingredients in the food. -the Nutrition Facts panel, which provides information about -the nutrients found in the food.
_____is the way your body signals that it needs fuel. Your _____, however, can increase your desire for food through your senses.
What is hunger and appetite?
These perform different functions in the body, and consist of two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble.
What are vitamins?
Name the environmental influences
What are family and culture, friends, time and money, and advertisements.
What is Coach's recommended amount of sugar per day?
What is 50g?
Nearly what percentage of NFL players are bankrupt two years after finishing their careers.
What is 80%?