what were the two new political parties that faced off in the election of 1828
Democratic and National Republicans
What caused the Panic of 1837
Jackson banking policies and Harrison taking office
the practices of giving government jobs to political backers
spoil system
who was Andrew Jackson vice president in 1828
John C. Calhoun
What Native American groups were affected by the Indian Removal Act?
All group east of the Mississippi
What change did the western states make that allowed more people to vote
Allowed all white people but no black people
On what were the economies of the North, South, and West
North= Based on Manufacturing
South= Based on agriculture
West= Based on emerging economy
an informal group o trusted advisers who sometimes met in the White House
Kitchen Cabinet
Was one of Jackson's strongest allies in his official cabinet
Martin Van Buren
What was the trail of tears
800 mile force march
Who were the two candidates in the 1828 presidential election
John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
How did the Whig Party win the election of 1840
Because Van Buren didn't have Jackson to back him up and the Whigs all backed Harrison
Congress placed a tariff on imports and southerners called it
Tariff of Abomination
Was president from 1829 to 1837
Andrew Jackson
what did Jackson do about the Worcester V. Georgia ruling
ignored it
How might changes to the voting process brought about by Jacksanian Democracy affect politics in the future
It went from political leaders to political parties picking the candidates.
Why did Jackson veto the bill to renew The Second Bank of the United States
Because the struggle of the first Bank and how it affected the U.S.
states power should be greater than federal power
states' rights doctrine
From Massachusetts
Daniel Webster
What led to the second Seminole war
the Seminoles resisting to leave Florida
How did the nominating convention allow the people more say in politics
It allowed the parties to choose the candidates
What did the McCulloch v. Maryland ruling do
Showed National Bank was constitutional
Conflict between supporters and opponents of Nullification and it was called the
nullification crisis
An Army General
William Henry Harrison
why did the government want to relocate the Native Americans
for farmer so that they could have more land