Political Culture
Public Opinion

Define Sampling Error

What is; Errors resulting from the size or quality sample


At birth, these characteristics begin to affect you and your political values (Vocab term)

What is; Demographic Characteristics


Define Moderate

What is; A person who takes a relatively centrist or middle-of-the-road view on most political issues


True or False; Over the years, more and more Americans have turned away from the traditional news sources (Daily News, Radio, Newspapers, etc.)

What is; True


True or False: In 2016, the public reported that Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump had the lowest intensity negative of any presidential candidate in recent history.

What is; False, they had the highest which led to greater uncertainty of voter behavior


Define Push Polls

What is; Taken for the purpose of providing information on an opponent that would lead respondents to vote against that candidate


True or False, Women have held more liberal attitudes than men about social issues such as education, poverty, capital punishment, and the environment.

What is; True


One who favors limited government intervention, particularly in economic affairs

What is; Conservative


Three major factors of public/political opinions

What is; Family, peers, and school


Since the 1970's, a growing number of ____________ voters increasingly have affected politics and policies in the United States 

(hint: a political ideology who believes that the government should support and further traditional moral teachings)

What is; Social conservative


A measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll within statistical parameters

What is; Margin of Error


True or False; Political Majorities are more likely to favor government-sponsored health insurance

What is; False, political minorities are more likely to favor


The coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of government held by groups and individuals (Vocab Term)

What is; Political Ideology


The influence of the family on political socialization can be traced to two factors

What is; Communication and receptivity


During the 1992 presidential elections, these polls were introduced

(hint: Continuous surveys that enable a campaign or new organization to chart a candidate's daily or weekly rise or fall in support)

What is; tracking polls


The difference between Random Sampling and Stratified Sampling

What is; Random sampling is a method of poll selection that gives each person in a group the same chance of being selected while Stratified Sampling is divided into subgroups and based on demographic characteristics. 


5 Demographic characteristics

What is; Gender, race, age, party, and religion


2 examples of how ideologies shape the thinking of individuals and how they view the world (hint; issues in our society)

What is; issues of race and nationality (racism), the role and function of government, the relations between men and women (sexism), human responsibility for the natural environment, etc.


The process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values (Vocab Term)

What is; Political socialization


Founded in 1952 by researchers at the University of Michigan and Stanford University, _________________________ collects data on the political attitudes and behavior among voters (hint: ANES)

What is; American National Election Studies


There are four problems with polling

What is; Lack of information, limited respondent options, difficulty measuring intensity, and lack of interest


Political Scientists have found significant evidence that religion affects political beliefs and behaviors of the American citizenry, this is due to....

What is; The american ideals and the protestant heritage that our country is based on


There are Four functions political scientists attribute to ideologies 

What is; Explanation, evaluation, orientation, and political program


The president can mold public opinion by... (hint: a power the president has to speak out on public matters)

What is; Using a bully pulpit


In 1948, the polling industry suffered a severe, although fleeting, setback when Gallup and many other pollsters incorrectly predicted that Thomas E. Dewey would defeat....

What is; President Harry S. Truman