Key Vocabulary
PACs and Super PACS
Citizens United v. FEC (2010)
Textbook Readings
Mr. H.'s Doomsday Questions

This key term refers to states which have a close number of Republicans and Democrats and switch sides again and again over several election cycles. 

What are swing states


Name one type of PAC

What is a (Corporate PACs, Disconnected PACs and Leadership PACs)


The video produced critiqued a specific presidential frontrunner in which election?

What is 2008


What kinds of states are pivotal in presidential elections

What are swing states?


Democrats who attend the Iowa Caucuses tend to be what compared to other liberals

What is liberal?


This is the alleged tendency of candidates to win more votes in an election because of the presence at the top of the ticket of a better-known candidate, such as the president. 

What are coattails?


The NRA is what type of PAC

What is a non-connected PAC?

The whole Court Case began on an infringement of what specific amendment?

What is the first Amendment?


Incumbents always have this specific advantage over their challengers.

What are franks?


This type of voting is more common because voters generally know when the country is on track

What is retrospective voting?


This type of issue is one on which all Americans agree despite political affiliation

What are valence issues?


The international brotherhood of workers supports primarily what political party?

Who are the Democrats?


Which political candidate was criticized?

Who is Hillary Clinton?


This key political event is one of the reasons campaign finance laws were invented?

What is the Watergate scandal?


Who wrote what important document discusses the role of factions in a representative government

Who is James Madison? What is federalist no. 10?


This type of voting is almost entirely informed based on the economy if it is an upward swing. 

What is retrospective voting?


A super PAC is different from a PAC since it does not have a limit of this amount

What is $5,000


Providing cold cash to a presidential campaign is an example of what?

What is hard money?


These types of elections are held every two years

What are congressional elections?


This Supreme Court case overturned aggregate limits on individual contributions to candidates and national parties.

What is McCutcheon et al. v. Federal Election Commision (2014)


Candidates, who win this type of event early in a campaign build up what helpful thing which provides them an advantage in the election?

What are Caucuses and Primaries, and what is momentum?


This supreme court case established that money is equivalent to speech (include the year)

What is Buckley v. Valeo (1976)?


Name the Supreme Court justices who dissented this decision

Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor


Voters who support both Democrats and Republicans submit what types of ballots?

What are split ticket ballots?

An organization that raises and spends money to advance political causes is this. 

What is a 527 organization?