Weather Forecasting
Severe Weather & Blizzards
Hurricanes & Tornadoes

What is the name of the scientist who forecasts the weather?

What is a meteorologist. 

What are the 3 main types of clouds?

What is cirrus, cumulous, and stratus. 


What is a strong storm with wind, rain, thunder, and lightning?

What is a thunderstorm.


What is the scale called that measures tornadoes? 

What is the Fujita scale that ranges from EF0-EF5. EF5 is the worst and EF0 is the least. 


What is our atmosphere primarily made up of? 

Hint: What gases

What is nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, argon, and other gases.


What is an air mass and give an example of one type we have?

Air mass-are large bodies of air. Their temperature and humidity are affected by the areas over which they form.

Types of Air Masses: 

Polar Maritime = cool and moist

Tropical Maritime= warm and moist

Tropical Continental= hot and dry

Tropical Maritime= warm and moist

Polar Continental= cold and dry


What types of clouds form when severe thunderstorms are developing?

What is cumulonimbus. 

How do thunderstorms form?

What is when warm, humid air moves upward rapidly. 

What is another name for a hurricane?

What is a typhoon or cyclone. 


What layer does space begin in?

Hint: This is where the International Space Station is.

What is the thermosphere.


What are the 3 different fronts and define each of them?

Warm front-occurs when a warm air mass moves into an area of cooler air. When this happens a warm air mass moves up over a cold air mass.

Cold front-occurs when a cold air mass moves into an area of warmer air. When this happens a cold air mass pushes a warm air mass upward.

Stationary front-boundary between two air masses that are not moving against each other.


What clouds are out on overcast or gray days?

What is stratus.


How many thunderstorms are happening across the world at any given time?

What is 2,000.


What is a tornado? 

What is a violently rotating column of air that extends downward from thunderclouds and touches the ground. 


What layer makes up most of the atmospheres mass?

What is the troposphere. 


What factors affect the type of weather we have?

What are air masses, fronts, global wind patterns, and climate.


What type of cloud is out on fair weather days?

What is cirrus.


What is a blizzard?

What is a winter storm with strong winds and large amounts of heavy, blowing snow.


How strong does a tropical storm need to be to be classified as a hurricane?

What is at least 74 mph winds. 


What layer of the atmosphere is the coldest?

What is the mesosphere.


What is weather?

What is the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.


What are global winds and give an example of a global wind?

Global winds are winds that blow across long distances in predictable patterns. These winds carry air masses from one region to another. 

Global wind types:  

polar easterlies, prevailing westerlies, northeast trade winds, southeast trade winds


What is it called when travelling in blizzard conditions where you can not see in front of you?

What is "white out" conditions.


When is the Atlantic and Pacific Hurricane seasons occur?

What is Atlantic from June 1st-November 30th and Pacific May 15th-November 30th.


What are the 5 layers of the atmosphere from top to bottom?

What is the exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere.