Fallacies A
Fallacies B
Inductive or Deductive
Is that necessary?
slide 8
What is an invalid syllogism?
Everyone downloads music and movies, so why should I be the only one paying for music?
What is an ad populum fallacy? (justification by popularity)
If the president of the company says it's good for business, then it's good for me.
What is an ad verecundium fallacy? (appeal to authority)
All of these chicken eggs are white. All chicken eggs are white.
What is inductive logic? (moving from a specific observation to a generalized conclusion.)
Delivering a persuasive presentation in CMM 100 is a ____________ cause for getting an A.
What is a necessary cause?
Everyone in bed is sleeping. Jerry is in bed. Jerry is sleeping.
What is a valid syllogism?
Every time I go to the amusement park with you it rains! I want to ride the rides, so you're not coming next time.
What is a post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy? (your presence at the park causes the rain)
Geese image
What is an ad hominem fallacy? (personal attack)
Workers would lose job security if more jobs go overseas. More jobs would go overseas if globalization continues. Workers would lose job security if globalization continues.
What is deductive logic? (Moving from a general observation to a specific application.)
Stubbing your toe is __________________ cause for pain.
What is sufficient? (If there are other possible explanations for what is caused, then the premise is sufficient.)
If someone won the game, they must have studied hard. Susan studied all day. Susan won the game.
What is an invalid syllogism? (IF...THEN statements are directional and cannot be applied in reverse.)
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What is a red herring fallacy? (new evidence used as a distraction from the topic)
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What is a slippery slope fallacy?
This bicycle has ten speeds. All bicycles have ten speeds.
What is inductive logic?
Mixing bleach and ammonia is _______________ cause for producing toxic fumes.
What is sufficient?
Either something is made with sugar, or it is not dessert. Omelettes are not made with sugar. Omelettes are not dessert.
What is a valid syllogism? (If your object refutes the 'either' statement [from the major premise] in the minor premise, then you have to accept the 'or' statement from the major premise.)
After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenceless by cutting military spending.
What is a straw man fallacy? (misrepresenting and distorting argument)
Dilbert comic
What is a straw man fallacy? (ignoring the position of the other and substituting a distorted position)
All baby animals are cute. That is a tiny baby octopus. That baby octopus is cute.
What is deductive logic?
Procrastinating on your schoolwork in order to play with friends is a ______________ cause for being unprepared.
What is a sufficient cause?
All computers have microchips. Smartphones have microchips. Smartphones are computers.
What is an invalid syllogism? (Saying "All computers have microchips." does not mean "ONLY computers have microchips.")
slide 4
What is a post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy? (not flossing will make you Hitler.)
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What is a non sequitur fallacy? (unless you were debating cat behavior, this argument would be completely unwarranted)
Caffeine is found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa beans. Dark chocolate has more cocoa than milk chocolate and therefore has more caffeine.
What is deductive logic? (Enthymeme: a deductive syllogism with one or more of its parts missing. This example moves from a general observation to a conclusion while skipping the minor premise.)
Avoiding logical fallacies in your argument is _________________ cause for your audience to accept your position.
What is necessary?