Starting Small in Lincoln County
Changes on the Farm
Thinking Big in Lincoln County
The Railroad: Friend or Foe?
He helped set up the farm by breaking the sod
Who is John Tainter?

What types of work do the men do on the farm?

They plow, plant, harvest, repair buildings, care for animals, and carpentry.


This is one of the easiest crops to cultivate and was the cash crop of the 1860s and 1870s.

What is wheat?


What is a land speculator?

Someone who buys and sells land, hoping to make a profit, often at great financial risk

In the late 1800s, the arrival of this in a small town was an important event
What is the arrival of the railroad?
She helped set up the farm by managing the household
Who is Sarah Tainter?

What types of work do the women do on the farm?

They cook, do laundry, make soap, sew and mend clothes, and care for the children.


What is subsistence farming?

It produced enough food to feed themselves and trade with neighbors (usually potatoes, turnips, and corn).


1862 law that provided up to 160 acres of land to settlers who would live on it and farm it for five years.

What is the Homestead Act?


What are some benefits of the railroad?

The towns were established and developed along railroads, mail traveled faster, crops were transported at a cheaper rate, and the population increased.

The founder of the Grange
Who is Oliver H. Kelley?

What types of jobs do the children do on the farm?

They carry firewood, carry well water, weed the garden, gather eggs, bring in the cows and help in the fields.


What is diversified farming?

Growing enough to make a profit and feed family. Produce a variety of crops and livestock.


What are ways a settler could get a homestead?

They could settle on public land without permission and later buy the claim, government programs granted free land to soldiers, the Homestead Act, or buy land directly from the railroads or speculators.


What are some disadvantages of the railroad?

It started charging more for shipping and increasing the freight rates.

Known as the "Empire Builder"
Who is James J. Hill?
By squashing them, capturing them with nets, trapping them in tar, burning the fields, and by praying.
How did the farmers fight the grasshopper plagues?
An organization formed to buy or sell products as a large group in order to get better prices.
What are cooperatives?

How did land speculators make money?

They tried to predict which land would be valuable, then bought it, and resold it at a higher price.


They sometimes cheated farmers by saying their grain wasn't worth as much as it was.

Who are the railroad (company) inspectors?

He made a large profit by buying and selling land.
Who is Louis Fertile?
DAILY DOUBLE These roots were thick, and protected the rich soil below them.
What are prairie sod roots?

What did they do at the Grange meetings?

These educated farmers on farming techniques, marketing, and equipment; offered farmers a social outlet and allowed women to be members; helped farmers create cooperatives and pressed legislature to regulate the railroad


DAILY DOUBLE On September 16, 1879, this village in Lincoln County was talking excitedly among themselves because the railroad had reached them and the first train had arrived.

What is Lake Benton?


What is the number of bathrooms in the James J. Hill mansion?