Lesson 1 People on the Move
Lesson 2 The Nation Grows
Lesson 3 The War of 1812
Lesson 4 Age of Jackson
All lessons.
This man followed a narrow indian trail and found a passage crossing the Appalachians
Who is Daniel Boone.
This man was elected the third President of the United States and made a major land purchase from France.
Who is Thomas Jefferson
British Navy ships would stop American boats looking for British Sailors. Sometimes they would capture Americans and force them to work on the British boats. WHat is this known as?
What is impressment.
This President was different from the first 6 Presidents because he was from the frontier and came from a poor family.
Who is Andrew Jackson
As settlers moved West, they settled on new regions of land that were on the edge of the country. What is new land located on the edge of a country called?
What is a frontier.
This document written in 1763 prohibited settlers from moving to indian lands that were west of the Appalachian mountains.
What is the Proclamation of 1763.
This type of person uses machines to produce goods.
What is a manufacturer.
This person collected a famous painting of George Washington and important papers for her husband before leaving the White House which had been set on fire by British Soldiers.
Who is Dolley Madison.
The right to vote.
What is suffrage.
Many people wanted to travel by flatboat for what reason?
What is less time and more comfort.
Daniel Boone found this narrow trail that had been used by indians to cross the Appalachians. What is the name of this trail?
What is the Cumberland Gap.
The area of land found west of the Mississippi River that Jefferson purchased from France was called ___________?
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
This lawyer watched the battle at Fort Mchenry and wrote a poem to describe what he saw. His poem later became our National Anthem.
Who is Francis Scott Key
In the 1800's, the United States was the only country to do what to its suffrage laws.
What is allow all white men to vote regardless of whether they owned land.
Pioneers arriving on the frontier had many things to do. What were the first things that they needed to do when they arrived on the new land.
What is cut down trees to create clearings, build houses, plow the land, grow crops and raise animals.
Daniel Boone helped to clear a road through the Cumberland Gap to allow pioneers/settlers to travel west of the Appalachians. What was this road called?
What is the Wilderness Road.
The importance of the Louisiana Purchase is that it ____?
What is it doubled the size of the United States.
This term means that you have a strong devotion to your country.
What is nationalism.
Andrew Jackson ordered the removal of the Cherokee Indians from the Georgia land even after Supreme COurt Justice John Marshall said it was against the law. What was this journey later called?
What is the Trail of Tears
Sacagawea was very important to Lewis and Clark. What was her most contirbution.
What is trading for the horses and supplies needed for making the journey across the western mountains.
By the late 1700's thousands of people had crossed the Appalachians. What were these people searching for?
What is good inexpensive farmland and new opportunities.
President Jefferson asked Lewis and Clark to do three things. What three things did he ask them to do?
What is 1. research the landforms, plants, animals and climate 2. fins out about the native american indians living there 3. find a direct water route to the Pacific Ocean
Congress declared war against Britain on June 18, 1812. What were the three objectives for declaring the war.
What is stopping impressment, ending British help to the Native Americans, and driving the British out of Canada.
Explian what happened to the Cherokee along their forced journey.
What is 1/4 th died from lack of supplies (food, clothes), starvation and sickness.
Jackson's campaign message was that of support for ________________?
Who is ordinary Americans.