Jackson was first elected President in this year
what is "1828"
This President was blamed for the Panic of 1837 even though he became President the same year
who is "Martin Van Buren"
In 1830, Congress passed this law to deal with white settlers' demand for Native lands after being pressured by President Andrew Jackson.
what is "Indian Removal Act"
This was the route many settlers took when traveling east-to-west in the mid 1800s
what is "the Oregon Trail"
people who leave their country to live elsewhere
what is "emigrants"
Jackson rewarded his political supporters with government jobs through this
what is "the spoils system"
This Native American leader believed that nobody was entitled to own land
who is "Tecumseh"
In 1838, this Native American tribe was forced from their lands and marched to Indian Territory under horrific conditions that left nearly a quarter of the 15000 tribe members dead
what is "Cherokee"
This event attracted people from all over the world to California starting in 1848
what is "the discovery of gold"
large territories set up by Mexican people in the American West
what is "rancheros"
After Andrew Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, a severe economic depression saw land values drop and banks fail. This event was called
what is "the Panic of 1837"
He was the leader of the Texan army during the Texas Revolution and later became the first president of the Republic of Texas
who is "Sam Houston"
This agreement ended the Mexican-American War and the United States gained the territories of California, Utah, Nevada, and parts of several other future states
What is "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo"
In 1846, this religious community migrated to Utah Territory to escape persecution
what is "Mormons"
To add a territory to one's own territory
what is "annex"
This state threatened to secede from the union after Jackson imposed tariffs
what is "South Carolina"
This man argued strongly in favor of nullification, the theory that states should be able to ignore/refuse federal laws, while Vice President of the United States in 1828
who is "John C. Calhoun"
While Texans were defeated at this location in 1836, the defeat motivated other Texans to formally declare, and eventually win, independence from Mexico.
what is "The Alamo"
The delay in Texas becoming a state was largely the result of Texans supporting this institution
what is "slavery"
the method in election campaigns that uses gossip and lies to make a candidate look bad
what is "mudslinging"
This is the name of the Supreme Court case which Jackson ignored so that he could remove Native Americans
what is 'Worcester v. Georgia"
This President of the United States died of pneumonia 32 days after his inauguration after not wearing a coat during the ceremony during freezing temperatures
who is "William Henry Harrision"
This man is credited with coming up with the term Manifest Destiny when he published it in a newspaper in 1845
who is "John O'Sullivan"
California was independent at one point and it was called ________________________
what is "Bear Flag Republic"
the largest number of something, but less than a majority
what is "plurality"