Ole Tippecanoe
Who is William Henry Harrison?
He led the Native Americans to unify against the Americans
The Era of Good Feeling was ushered in by this president
Who is James Monroe?
What is the Spoils System?
What is Lame Duck?
Old Hickory
Who is Andrew Jackson?
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
The Trail of Tears marched Native Americans onto these.
What are Reservations?
This is a financial duty placed on a foreign import
What is a Tariff?
Who is Martin Van Buren?
He survived many harsh battles in the war, but couldn't survive pneumonia during his presidency.
Who is William Henry Harrison?
What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
Daily Double
What are Pet Banks?
This man made a toast against Jackson, "To the Union, next to our Liberty most dear."
Who is John C Calhoun?
His Accidency
Who is John Tyler?
Daily Double
Not everyone had good feelings, Jackson killed a man in this antiquated form of honor defense.
What is a duel?
Jackson accused Adams of this, making Clay Secretary of State
What is the Corrupt Bargain?
This term refers to gold or silver coins used to purchase federal land
What is the Speice?
Young Hickory
Who is James Polk?
This battle was fought after the war ended. Oops, no Twitter.
What is the Battle of New Orleans?
This was Monroe's Secretary of State
Who is John Quincy Adams?
South Carolina went from Nullification to threatening this, actually leaving the Union!
What is Secession?
What is the Democrat Party?