Binomial Theorem
Standard Deviation
FCP, Combinations, and Permutations
FCP, Combinations, Permutations, and Probability
How many terms are in the binomial expansion of (x + y)^9?
What is 10.
Find the mean and standard deviation of the following data set: 1, 3, 1, 3
What is the mean is 2 and the standard deviation is 1.
The pound has 13 puppies. How many ways can you choose 9?
What is 13C9 = 13!/4!9! = 715.
Find the number of distingishable permutations of the letters ILOVEMATH.
What is 9P9 = 9! = 362880.
A standard deck of 52 playing cards has 4 suits with 13 cards in each suit. What is the probablity of NOT picking a heart?
What is 39/52 or 3/4 since there are 13 hearts and 52-13 is 39.
What is the full simplified form of the binomial expansion of (2x + y)^4?
What is 16x^4 + 32(x^3)y + 24(x^2)(y^2) +8xy^3 + y^4.
What happens to the mean and standard deviation of the following data set: 1, 3, 1, 3, if I increase each number by 4?
What is the mean increases by 4 and the standard deivation stays the same (1).
How many different ways can you arrange 11 picture frames?
What is 11P11 = 11! = 39916800.
You have a standard 52 card deck with 4 suits and 13 cards in each suit. What is the probability upon picking one card that that card is either a diamond or a king?
What is P(diamond) + P(king) - P(diamond and king) = (13/52) + (4/52) - (1/52) = (16/52) = 4/13.
One bag contains 3 snickers and 6 butterfingers. The other bag contains 6 snickers and 2 butterfingers. If Kimberly randomly selects one candy bar from each bag, what is the probability that they are both butterfingers?
What is (6/9)x(2/8)=(2/3)x(1/4)= 2/12 = 1/6.
What is the third term in the expansion of (2x + 3y)^8?
What is 16128(x^6)(y^2).
If the mean of the following data set is 8, what is the standard deviation of the following set of numbers: 5, 11, 7, 4, 13?
What is square root of 12 or "2 radical 3".
You have 6 shirts, 5 pair of pants, 8 pair of shoes, and 7 pair of socks. How many outfits can you make if you don't want to wear socks?
What is 6x5x8=240.
There are 14 students in my class. If I can only fit 4 students in my car, how many ways can I choose students to get ice cream with me after school?
What is 14C4 = 14!/10!4! = 1001.
3 marbles are randomly drawn from a bag containing 8 purple marbles, 3 green marbles, and 2 yellow marbles. What is the probablity of first picking 1 green marble, then 1 purple marble, then another green marble?
What is (3/13)x(8/12)x(2/11) = 4/143.
What is the coefficient of the x^3 term in (3x + y)^6?
What is 540(x^3)(y^3).
What happens to the mean and standard deviation of the following set of numbers: 2367, 87878, 984567, 2323, 1256, if I increase each number in the data set by 6719?
What is the mean increases by 6719 and the standard deviation stays the same.
Which value is larger: 6P3 or 6C3? Write your answer in words and be prepared to explain.
What is 6P3 because...
Edgar has a bag of jelly beans. 9 are red, 5 are orange, 2 are yellow, and 1 is green. If he closes his eyes before he picks one, what is the probablity he will draw out an orange and then a yellow in that order without replacement?
What is (5/17)x(2/16)=(5/17)x(1/8)= 5/136.
A spinner has 8 equal regions labeled 1-8. What's the probability of on one spin to get a number that is even or a multiple of 3?
What is P(even) + P(multiple of 3) - P(even and mult of 3) = (4/8) + (2/8) - (1/8) = 5/8.
Use the binomial theorem to write out the full expansion of (2 + 3y)^7. DO NOT SIMPLIFY.
What is 7C0(2^7)(3y)^0 + 7C1(2^6)(3y)^1 + 7C2(2^5)(3y)^2 + 7C3(2^4)(3y)^3 + 7C4(2^3)(3y)^4 + 7C5(2^2)(3y)^5 + 7C6(2^1)(3y)^6 + 7C7(2^0)(3y)^7.
Find the mean and Standard Deviation of the following data set: 8, 5, 13, 14, 9, 10, 13,8
What is the mean is ten and the standard deviation is the square root of 8.5 which is about 2.9
Find the number of ways you can hire 4 baggers at WalMart if there are 5 men and 6 women applying and you want to hire 2 men and 2 women.
What is 5C2 (5!/3!2!) times 6C2 (6!/4!2!) = 10x15 = 150.
Find the number of ways you can pick a 4-person committee from 8 women and 6 men if 1 member on the committee must be male and 3 members must be female?
What is 6C1 times 8C3 = 6 X (8!/5!3!) = 6 x 56 = 336.
A sample lady at costco is randomly handing out 12 packs of M&Ms with peanuts, and 13 packs without. What is the probability that the first pack she hands out will not have peanuts and the second pack will?
What is (13/25)x(12/24)=(13/25)(1/2) = 13/50.