Name That Branch!
Punic Wars
Law and Justice

A form of government that allows the people to elect their leaders.

What is a republic?


This group administrates and is responsible for running the Roman Republic.

What are the Magistrates?


The growing civilization on the coast of northern Africa that became a major rival of Rome.  

What is Carthage?


This group of people demanded that the laws of society be written down in a public place so that way the wealthier classes could not take advantage of them.

Who are the plebeians?


Carthage was located on the northern coast of this continent. 

What is Africa?


The Roman government is similar to the modern day U.S government in the sense that it is split up into three different parts, which is defined as this term.

What is tripartite?


Praetors, a position that existed in this branch, served as judges for court cases. 

What are the Magistrates?


This island between Italy and Africa was of great interest to growing civilizations due to its fertile land and strategic location.

What is Sicily?


Rome's first written code of laws. 

What are the Twelve Tables?


The act of rejecting something, normally used in politics.

What is a veto?


The Roman government is led by two of these who serve as the leaders of the Magistrates.

What are consuls?


The branch that includes the Council of Plebeians.

What is the Assemblies?


The Romans encouraged the people under the control of Carthage in this present day country to rebel, thus leading to the start of the Second Punic War.

What is Spain?


The location that laws were required to be posted in order to ensure that all citizens had access to the laws.

What is the forum?


The general of Carthage that defeated the Romans at the Battle of Cannae.

Who is Hannibal?


The Roman government was based on the idea of this system which allowed each part of the government to take actions that prevented the other parts from becoming too powerful.

What is checks and balances?


This branch debated policies that were proposed to the different parts of the government.

What is the Senate?


For both Rome and Carthage, controlling this was the ultimate goal of the Punic Wars.

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


Coined by the Romans, the idea that merely accusing someone of a crime does not lead to a guilty verdict.

What is "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"?


The term length for members of the Senate.

What is lifetime?


This famous Roman farmer led Rome through difficult times as dictator and inspired the likes of George Washington with his willingness to resist his self interests and return his power to the Roman government. 

A. Cincinnatus 

B. Philadelphias

C. Houstonius

D. Providencious

Who is Cincinattus?


This branch deals with the finances of Rome and decides where money is spent as well as how much.

What is the Senate?


This innovation that the Romans used in the First Punic War to give themselves an advantage when fighting Carthage at sea is known as what?

A. Ballista

B. Corvus

C. Testudo

D. Pilum

What is corvus?


Laws created by the Romans that applied to the non-Roman citizens of conquered lands.

A. The Roman Code of Laws

B. Magna Carta

C. Law of Nations

D. Hadrian's Code

What is the Law of Nations?


Which of these Magistrate positions was responsible for maintaining public buildings, managing food and water supplies, and organizing games and festivals?

A. aediles


C. consuls

D. praetors 

Who are aediles?