Individual’s unique, relatively consistent, pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
What are the "Big 5"
Freud's theory of personality. Attempts to explain personality by focusing on the influence of early childhood experiences, unconscious conflicts, and sexual urges
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Socially acceptable front/mask someone presents to the world, highly conscious creation
Keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious
Thoughts, memories, and desires, that are well below the surface of awareness, but that still exert great influence on behavior
The unconscious
Personality trait marked by an inflated sense of importance, a need for attention and admiration, a sense of entitlement, and a tendency to exploit others
Adler's theory, emphasized that the most important source of motivation in humans is striving for superiority
Individual Psychology
One’s belief about their ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes
Attributing one’s own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another
Material just beneath the surface of awareness that can be easily retrieved
Part of the human personality that is made up of all our inborn biological urges that seeks out immediate gratification
Operates on pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification
Social Cognitive Theory
Collection of beliefs about one’s own nature, unique qualities, and typical behavior
Diverting emotional feelings (usually anger) from their original source to a substitute target
Largely conscious “executive” part of personality that mediates among the demands of the other parts of personality and reality. Operates on the reality principle, delaying gratification to maximize outcome and reduce negative consequences
The degree of disparity between one’s self-concept and one’s actual experience
Mischel's idea, focusing on the extent that situational factors govern behavior. People exhibit less consistency across situations than previously thought
Person-Situation Controversy
Store of latent memory traces inherited from people’s ancestral past
Collective unconscious
Creating false but plausible excuses to justify unacceptable behavior
Systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority, in which basic needs must be met before they can satisfy higher needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Moral component of personality that incorporates social standards about what represents right and wrong
Focuses on how we ought to behave and comply with authority, the morality principle
Roger's perspective, focuses on the subjective nature of the self-concept, and how congruent or incongruent that was to reality.
Childhood stages of development during which the id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones
Each stage has unique challenges/tasks, and the way the tasks are handled supposedly shapes personality
Freud's Psychosexual Stages
Bolstering self-esteem by forming an imaginary or real alliance with some person or group