assembly line for the car
Henry Ford
lands that the US set aside for Native Americans
Who discovered the Hawaiian islands?
James Cook
Captain of the Bonhomme Richard (Revolutionary War)
John Paul Jones
Name something Edison invented
light bulb, phonograph
cowboys drove cattle here to put them on the trains east
cow towns
finish the slogan from the war: "Remember the __________"
Hawaii is _______th state to join the US
Father of American Missions
Adonirom Judson
Morse code
government gave Americans 160 acres of land
Homestead Act
Theodore led this group of men who fought in the war
rough riders
Alaska became the _______th state of the US
largest cactus in the world
saguaro cactus
built the first steamboat
Robert Fulton
Souix Indian chief who helped in the Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
Sitting Bull
most important battle of the war
Battle of San Juan Hill
Alaska was owned by what country in the 1800's
live in underground "towns" stretched all over the prairie
prairie dogs
invented the traffic light
Garrett Morgan
Indian scout and town marshal
Wild Bill Hickok
What 3 Spanish owned countries came under US control after the war?
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam
Who arranged the purchase of Alaska?
Secretary of State William Seward
what is the national anthem of Canada
O Canada