Reading Check
Reading Check
Video Notes

affect p310

to change or influence


perspective p307

a method of showing a three dimensional scene on a flat surface so that it looks real 


How did the Turkish conquest of the Byzantine Empire cause many ancient classical writings to arrive in Italy?

Scholars who fled that empire brought ancient literary works with them


List four of Leonardo da Vinci's areas of interest

painting, sculpture, anatomy, writing, architecture, invention, engineering, and cartography 


Why did Leonardo only paint part of the earliest paintings that we have of him? 

Leonardo was an apprentice and worked together with a master on paintings 


classical p305

referring to the culture of ancient Greece or Rome


Michelangelo p308

Italian artist who wrote poetry, carved sculptures, and painted magnificent pictures including the Sistine Chapel


What sources inspired Renaissance artists and scholars? 

ancient Greek and roman writings, Roman ruins, and classical statues 


Who were some of the great artists of the Italian Renaissance? 

Raphael, Botticelli, Titian, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci


What were some of the ideas that Leonardo had that would not be used until much later? 

armored tanks, a parachute, an early version of a helicopter, a self-propelled cart and scuba diving gear


humanism p304

The study of the humanities led to a new way of thinking and learning known as humanism 


Leonardo da Vinci p308 

Expert painter, sculptor, architect, inventor and engineer of the Renaissance 


How did Dante and Machiavelli reflect the ideas of the Renaissance?

Dante- by writing in the vernacular; Machiavelli- by showing an interest in human behavior and society  


How do these illustrations show that Leonardo was more than just an artist? p308-9

Leonardo da Vinci showed his knowledge of anatomy and his scientific study of flight in these illustrations


What is one thing that Leonardo wanted all his life? 

To figure out how to make people fly 


Dante Alighieri p306 

Politician and poet who wrote in Italian, the common language of the people. His famous work is The Divine Comedy 


Petrarch p310

Renaissance scholar who wrote about the importance of knowing history and whose ideas would affect education 


Do you think that Machiavelli gave good advice in this passage? Why or why not? p306

Yes because it would help rulers in power; no, because rulers ay abuse the power


What mathematical symbols that we use today were created during this time? 

square root and positive and negative numbers 


Which two painting of Leonardo's are considered the most famous in all the world? 

The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa 


Niccolo Machiavelli p306

Italian writer and politician who wrote a short book called The Prince which gave leaders advice on how they should rule


This genius of the Renaissance studied anatomy, the structure of human bodies, to make his art more real 

Leonardo da Vinci


How are these two paintings similar and different? p307

the medieval painting is less realistic and does not use perspective. The Renaissance painting shows realistic people in a real-looking place. Both paintings show Mary and the infant Jesus


How do you think Renaissance ideas would change as they spread to other countries? 

They could change according to local history and culture 


How is Leonardo's life as an artist different from most other artists? 

He was incredibly famous and well know while he was still living