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Vocabulary (2)
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Term that describes the severe downturn in the economy that began in 1929 and lasted through the 1930s.

What is "The Great Depression"?


This term refers to a government program that provides unemployment benefits to workers who have lost their jobs.

What is unemployment insurance?


This individual served as the 32nd President of the United States and introduced the New Deal.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)?


This event in October 1929 marked the beginning of the Great Depression, leading to a decade-long economic downturn.

What is Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash of 1929)?


This was the initial set of programs and legislation introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt to address the Great Depression.

What is the First New Deal?


This term is used to describe the set of reforms aimed at bringing economic relief and recovery after the Great Depression.

What is the New Deal?


This term describes a sustained rise in the general price level of goods and services, often a concern during periods of economic instability.

What is inflation?


This individual was the First Lady of the United States during the New Deal, known for her advocacy of human rights and her active role in policy issues.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


This natural disaster in the 1930s affected the Great Plains, causing mass displacement and economic hardship.

What is the Dust Bowl?


This informal set of radio addresses was used by President Roosevelt to communicate directly with the American people during the Great Depression.

What are the Fireside Chats?


This term is used to describe large-scale government projects aimed at providing jobs and improving infrastructure during the New Deal.

What are public works?


This New Deal policy set a maximum number of working hours and a minimum wage to protect laborers' rights.

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?


This woman was a famous documentary photographer whose images, like "Migrant Mother," captured the hardships of the Great Depression.

Who is Dorothea Lange?


This event in 1932 saw World War I veterans marching in Washington, D.C., to demand early payment of their war bonuses.

What is the Bonus Army March?


This agency regulated the stock market and enforced laws against stock fraud during the New Deal era.

What is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?


This process involves the takeover of a homeowner's property by a lender due to unpaid mortgages during the Great Depression.

What is foreclosure?


This economic condition refers to a decrease in the overall price level, leading to a reduction in production and increased unemployment.

What is deflation?


This author wrote "The Grapes of Wrath," a novel that depicted the struggles of Dust Bowl migrants during the Great Depression.

Who is John Steinbeck?


This significant banking event in 1933 allowed President Roosevelt to close all banks temporarily to restore confidence.

What is the Bank Holiday?


This New Deal legislation recognized the right of workers to form unions and negotiate with employers.

What is the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)?


This concept refers to an economic condition where demand for goods and services significantly falls, leading to high unemployment and business closures.

What is economic depression?


This term refers to the rapid withdrawal of funds from banks, which occurred frequently during the early years of the Great Depression.

What is a bank run?


This British economist's theories, advocating for government intervention to stabilize economies, greatly influenced New Deal policies.

Who is John Maynard Keynes?


This pivotal New Deal program, part of the Second New Deal, provided financial assistance to the elderly and unemployed, creating a social safety net.

What is the Social Security Act?


This 1935 piece of legislation allowed laborers to form unions, introduced social security benefits, and established federal works programs to reduce unemployment.

What is the Second New Deal?