Key Term Vocabulary
Additional Vocabulary
Approaches to Refusing Tobacco

The definition of laryngectomy.

What is a surgical procedure that removes the larynx, requiring a person to breathe through an opening in the neck.


A cancer that begins in the lungs and most often occurs in people who smoke.

What is lung cancer


What practice is most beneficial to your health regarding tobacco.

Quitting smoking.


Name one safer alternative to using tobacco that relieves stress.

What is: music / talk to a friend / physical activity / simple activity


The second most popular nicotine product is most used among teenagers.

What is E-Cigarette/Vape


The definition of a PSA or Public Service Announcement

What is media messages that support public health


Listening to music, talking to a friend, Doing a physical activity, or simple activity

What is an example of managing stress


Name some tobacco treatments.

nicotine replacements, medications, and self management strategies.


Fill in the blank:

___ skills can help you avoid using tobacco and make decisions that benefit your health now and in the future.

What is refusal


The age you need to be at least to use tobacco legally.

What is 21.


The definition is the treatment for nicotine addiction where people practice responding to difficult feelings and situations using stress management, relaxation, and coping skills instead of tobacco use

What is stimulus control


tobacco that is chewed or snuffed rather than smoked by the user.

What is smokeless tobacco 


Name some self management strategies.

Stimulus control and Response substitution.


Fill in the blank:

All types of ___ activity cause your body to release endorphins, or chemicals that help you feel better, as a safer alternative for relieving stress than smoking. 

What is aerobic


An alternative way of managing stress instead of tobacco. 

(Numerous answers, name one)

What is listening to music, talking to a friend, physical activity, or simple activities? 


This defines stimulus control and pertains to feelings.

What is the treatment for nicotine addiction that involves avoiding tempting situations and managing feelings that lead to nicotine use.


the action or practice of inhaling and exhaling vapor containing nicotine and flavoring produced by a device designed for this purpose.

What is vaping 


What is stimulus control and response substitution?

Stimulus control is trying to avoid tempting situations and managing feelings that lead to nicotine use.

Response substitution, people respond to difficult feelings and situations using stress management, relaxation, and coping skills instead of tobacco use.


Name one example of a "simple activity" that manages stress that is LISTED IN THE BOOK. 

What is coloring / woodworking. 


Changing the subject and exiting the situation are used for this.

What is refusing tobacco.


The definition is treatment for nicotine addiction that continues to put some nicotine into the body; lessens withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making it easier to quit

What is a nicotine replacement


a tobacco pipe with a long, flexible tube that draws the smoke through water contained in a bowl.

What is a Hookah


What factors affect tobacco consumption

environment, influences, and experiences.


Name three of the four verbal approaches to refusing tobacco. You can be general or specific.

What is: changing the conversation / share your reasons / emphasize health risks / exit the situation


A normal person goes through this many cigarettes in a day. 

What is 14.