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New Elements of Greek Art and Architecture
What was Pericles?
What is led Athens after Persian Wars was strongest leader from 460 B.C. until death 31 years later
What happened during the Peloponnesian War?
- Sparta captured land around Athens, destroyed crops, food supply -Athensʼ strategy was to avoid land battles, rely on sea power - Pericles persuaded Athens to let Sparta destroy crops - brought people inside city walls, brought food in by sea
9. What caused Pericles’ strategy (in battle) to fail?
What is overcrowded and disease
Describe who Aristotle was and what he contributed to history.
What is -one of Platoʼs best students - devised debate method based on logic; applied logic to science -opened the Lyceum—a school in Athens; tutored Alexander the Great
What is Drama?
• Greeks invented drama—written work performed by actors • Drama contests part of religious festivals - plays sponsored by rich citizens, selected by city leader
What were Pericles 3 goals?
What is strengthen democracy, expand empire, beautify Athens
What led Athens and Sparta to fight a war?
What is - Athens had democracy, Sparta had military-led government •Three main reasons for war - some city-states feared Athensʼ grab for power, prestige - under Pericles, Athens built a naval empire - some Athenian settlers moved into other city-statesʼ lands
Describe Phillip II of Macedonia’s rule.
- planned an empire - had been hostage in Greek city of Thebes, learned tactics - saw advantage of full-time professional army, not citizen army • Philip built professional army; devised new formations, tactics - used battering rams on gates, catapults to hurl stones at enemy walls -conquered nearby lands, then turned to Greek city-states • Philip conquered Greeks by 338 B.C., became ruler of city-states
Describe in detail Socrates contributions...
What is famous philosopher - encouraged young students to examine beliefs through questions - question-and-answer, Socratic method • Enemies said Socrates caused youth to rebel; they put him on trial - jury sentenced him to death; made him drink hemlock, a poison
Describe Actors
What is Men played all parts, including female roles; wore costumes, masks • Chorus danced, sang, recited poetry
Describe Direct Democracy?
What is all citizens participate in running government - all could propose, vote on laws
What is the Parthenon?
What is Parthenon - housed statue of goddess Athena, city’s protector, Parthenon architecture had graceful proportions, harmony, order
How did Alexander build an empire?
• Alexander had been tutored by Greek scholars, trained in army • Carried on Philipʼs plan • Thebes rebelled, was destroyed by Alexander - this act made other city-states too fearful to rebel • Alexander moved to Anatolia; attacked, defeated Persian forces • Alexander turned south, was welcomed by Persian-controlled Egypt - thankful Egyptians made him their pharaoh • Moved across Mesopotamia toward Persia
What is Philosophy?
study of basic truths, ideas about universe
Describe Architecture?
Architects designed temples, theaters, meeting places, homes of rich - sought beautiful buildings with graceful proportions
How did Pericles strengthen democracy in Athens? Pericles supported democratic reforms?
-wanted to change balance of power between rich and poor -spoke out for equality in the law -praised public service and individual ability over class -paid more public officials so poor could afford to hold office -Direct democracy—all citizens participate in running government - all could propose, vote on laws
What is the Acropolis?
What High City
How far eastward in Asia did Alexander build his empire
What is India's Indus River Valley
Who was Herodotus?
What is "Father of History”, wrote Persian Wars book History
Describe Greek Sculptures/Sculptors
Greek sculptors aimed to capture ideal in work - Art works were large, outdoors; statues of gods placed in temples • Sculptor Phidias worked on Parthenon; created statue of Athena - statue was made of gold, ivory; was over 30 feet tall
What is a Delian League? How did they use it?
What is mutual protection group, build navy warships
How did Pericles beautify Athens?
What is Pericles spent money on sculptures, buildings, expensive materials, materials included gold, ivory, and marble, Athens rebuilt Acropolis—“high city” that included Parthenon
How did Culture change under Alexander?
What is Alexander spread Greek culture, set up colonies, built cities - left Greeks to rule lands; Greek became common language • Alexander adopted Persian styles, customs - combined Egyptian, Indian, Persian, Greek cultures - Hellenistic - Combined knowledge led to science, medicine discoveries
What was the goal of Greek artists?
What is capture ideal in work, tried to show objects, humans as perfectly as possible, tried to create order, beauty, harmony
Describe tragedy and Comedy...
• Tragedy—serious drama showing downfall of important character - themes included love, hate, war • Comedy—less serious drama; often made fun of politics, people, ideas