Approaches to Classroom Management
Prevention: Techniques of Classroom Management
Teaching: Techniques of Classroom Management
Behavior Problems
Violence in American Schools
"Do what I say because I say so"
What is Authoritarian Approach?
The group response to a reprimand directed at one student.
What is the Ripple Effect?
The first few minutes with any class are often crucial. So, you should do this the first day of class.
What is "Show you are confident and prepared (the first day of class.)"
When a student is using attention-seeking behaviors, such has finger tapping, you may use this technique to handle the situation.
What is "planned ignoring"?
There has been a 14 percent _______ in juvenile violent crimes over the last decade.
What is decrease?
"Do what I say because you like me and respect my judgment"
What is Permissive Approach?
Teachers who have this demonstrate to the class that they know what is going on in the classroom, and thus have fewer behavior problems because the students know that the teacher is paying attention.
What is "withitness"?
When you introduce rules the first day of class, you should take this approach.
What is positive and non-threatening?
With this technique, if sending subtle signals does not work, you may place yourself close to the misbehaving student.
What is "proximity and touch control"?
This is now recognized as a significant part of the school violence problem.
What is bullying?
"Do what I say because doing so will help you learn more"
What is Authoritative Approach?
This person wrote a book called "Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms", their research turned up 6 effective classroom management techniques, and they coined the terms "ripple effect" and "withitness".
Who is Jacob Kounin?
In order for students to feel comfortable and successful, teachers should direct this this kind of instruction during the first few weeks of class.
What is whole-class?
Haim Ginott suggests that teachers use these messages to get points across to students about how WE feel about what they are doing.
What are "I-messages"?
This is a form of bullying in which one or more students post malicious statements about another student on the internet.
What is cyberbullying?
Authoritative teachers hope for their students to learn these skills (involving their education).
What are responsibility and self regulation?
Teaching middle school and high school is different than elementary because students frequently change classrooms and teachers have around 5 batches of 25-25 students in a day. Thus researches have said different things must be done to manage the classroom, such as these 3 things. Hint: pg. 410-411
What are arranging physical space to optimize teaching/learning, clearly stating classroom rules, and establishing and communicating classroom procedures to students"?
What 3 things should you do continually? Hint: Page 414
What is demonstrating you are competent, well prepared, and in charge?
This phrase means that you are the one a problem is frustrating, angering, or annoying. You must decide on it before deciding how to handle the problem.
What is problem ownership?
Name 3 kinds of School-wide programs to reduce violence and improve discipline. (All found beyond this heading in the textbook)
What are Unified Discipline, Smart and Good High Schools, and the Resolving Conflict Creatively program?
This individual is associated with the 4 parenting styles (which have been adapted to teaching).
Who is Diana Baumrind?
These systems, referred to as curriculum courseware and management systems, provide a type of individualized instruction, and may be a useful tool for helping teachers establish and maintain a well-managed classroom.
What are integrated learning systems?
_______ insist that students meet their expectations, treat the teacher with respect, treat classmates with respect, put forth an honest effort to learn, and encourage their classmates to do the same.
What are "warm demanders"?
Teachers should try to handle problems with an individual student in private and never make these.
What are threats?
This is a growing technology phenomenon also called "distance learning" or "distance education".
What are virtual schools?