Philosophical Orientations
Transmission & Construction
Belive It
A set of ideas and beliefs about education that guides the professional behavior of educators.
What is an educational philosophy.
Formulated in part as a response to progressivism, this philosophical orientation holds that a core of common knowledge about the real world should be transmitted to students in a systematic, disciplined way.
What is Essentialism
An understanding of the philosophy of education is important for all of the following reasons except _______. A. to help your interviewing skills when pursuing a position B. to help you decipher complex political forces affecting schools C. to help you better evaluate proposals for school change D. to help you enhance your professionalism in teaching
What is D, to help you enhance your professionalism in teaching
The transmission of knowledge refers to all of the following except ________. A) to aid in the development of student skills B) to test the cognitive ability of students C) to assist as students put their skills to use D) to guide student practice
What is B, to test the cognitive ability of students
According to the text, your behavior as a teacher is strongly connected to your beliefs about all of the following except ________. A) students B) knowledge C) administrators D) what is worth knowing
What is C, administrators
The development of a unique blending of two or more philosophies.
What is an eclectic philosophy of education
A philosophical orientation that emphasizes the individual‘s experiences and maintains that each individual must determine his or her own meaning of existence.
What is Existentialism
Having a clear educational philosophy can help teachers to ________. A) determine when a student should be punished B) adequately prepare for promotions C) navigate the politics of working with parents D) make appropriate decisions in the middle of a lesson
What is D), make appropriate decisions in the middle of a lesson
Self-directed learners can be referenced as ________. A) developmental B) constructivist C) progressive D) gifted
What is B, constructivist
What teachers believe about students is based on ________. A) the views of teaching peers B) their views of their own children C) school district policies D) their unique life experiences
What is D, their unique life experiences
This philosophical orientation maintains that environmental factors shape people‘s behavior.
What is Behaviorism
A philosophical orientation that emphasizes the ideas contained in the Great Books and maintains that the true purpose of education is the discovery of the universal, or perennial, truths of life.
What is Perennialism
Most schools have a statement of philosophy, which is best described in all of the following ways except ________. A) to focus the efforts of teachers and administrators B) to guarantee full accreditation C) to focus the efforts of students and parents D) to publicize its values and beliefs
What is B, to guarantee full accreditation
A teacher who views knowledge conceptually might request that students learn all of the following, except ________. A) the explanation of decisions made by government B) the recitation of all fifty state capitals C) the reasons for grouping chemical elements D) the understanding and influencing of our environment
What is B, the recitation of all fifty state capitals
Teachers' beliefs about students are based on all of the following except ________. A) their understanding of human growth and development B) their studies of the brain and cognitive changes C) their unique life experiences D) their observations of young people
What is B, their studies of the brain and cognitive changes.
a psychological orientation that views learning as an active process in which learners construct understanding of the material they learn—in contrast to the view that teachers transmit academic content to students in small segments.
What is Constructivism
A philosophical orientation based on the belief that life is evolving in a positive direction, that people may be trusted to act in their own best interests, and that education should focus on the needs and interests of students.
What is Progressivism
6) Students who spend a great deal of time learning by rote memorization likely have a teacher who views knowledge as ________. A) the sum total of small bits of subject matter B) most valuable when constructed by students C) of little real consequence to learners D) universally interconnected
What is A, the sum total of small bits of subject matter
The transmission view of teaching includes all of the following except ________. A) students learn through basic skills mastery B) students learn by applying thinking to projects C) students learn by structured, whole-group instruction D) students learn by mastering reading, writing, and math
What is B, students learn by applying thinking to projects
B. F. Skinner is most closely associated with the _______ branch of psychology. A. humanistic B. reverse C. behavioristic D. constructivist
What is C, behavioristic
Philosophy based on the belief that individuals control their own destinies through the application of their intelligence and learning.
What is Humanism
A philosophical orientation based on the belief that social problems can be solved by changing, or reconstructing, society.
What is Social reconstructionism.
The authors purport that learning occurs when A) the student performs well on achievement tests each year B) a student's personal experience leads to changes in thoughts and behaviors C) a student has memorized the required material and can recite it D) a student project achieves a grade of A, demonstrating high achievement
What is B, a student's personal experience leads to changes in thoughts and behaviors
A constructivist teacher would expect all of the following learnings from students except ________. A) learning how to communicate effectively B) learning how to ready themselves for work C) learning how to reason D) learning how to solve problems
What is B, learning how to ready themselves for work
Having a clear educational philosophy can help teachers to _________ A. navigate the politics of working with parents B. adequately prepare for promotions C. make appropriate decisions in the middle of a lesson D. determine when a student should be punished
What is C, make appropriate decisions in the middle of a lesson