Lesson 12.3
Lesson 12.3
Lesson 12.4
Lesson 12.5
Feudal pyramid

The Chinese invention with a magnetized piece of metal that points north and helps navigate in open waters.

What is the compass.


What is the top person on the feudal pyramid and what did they do.

 Emperor was a figurehead and held no real power


A belief system that said all things should follow the flow of nature.

What is Daoism.



The Fujiwara family Gained and maintained control over Japan for over 300 years by having their daughters marry emperors and then have kids that were in line for the throne



Who was second on the feudal pyramid and what did they do.

Shogun a military leader that had all of the power


A belief system that believed life involves suffering and offered a hope for the end of suffering by seeking perfect wisdom to obtain peace

What is Buddism


A Chinese invention that was originaly used for celebrations and fireworks, then made to make, bombs, rockets, and other weapons

What is Gunpowder


A chain of Islands

What is an archipelago



Religion was different in japan from Europe

True Europe practiced Christianity and Japan had Shinto, Buddhism, and Confucianism


Who was the third on the feudal pyramid and what did they do.

Daimyo a powerful land owner that trained the samurai


A belief system that believed in moral behavior, social order and giving honor to your elders through education.

What is Confusionism.



Due to 85% of the land being mountainous, Japanese adapted to the environment by getting a majority of their food from the ocean and living closer to the coastline



What is feudalism and how did it compare from Japan and Europe

A system of protection it was different because peasants could move up the pyramid to become samurai


Who was fourth on the Japanese feudal pyramid and what did they do.

Samurai a warrior trained to protect their land and followed a code called the code of Bushido.


List 4 technological advancements that were made by the Chinese

What is spinning and weaving machines, block printing, writing systems, navigation, and shipbuilding


A belief system that was influenced by Daoism and Buddism and living a moral life

 What is Neo-Confucianism


3 things the Japanese took from the chinese

What is writing system, gov't, and beliefs


The difference between the pope and the shogun

What is they were on different levels of the pyramid but both had supreme power


Who was last on the Japanese feudal pyramid and what did they do.

Peasants and they worked on fields in return they got protection, they could go up the pyramid to become a samurai