one of the “conductors” on the Underground Railroad-
Harriet Tubman
-would be organized without regarding slavery at all
-those who moved to the territory would exercise popular sovereignty over the slave question- the settlers would decide on having slaves or not.
-decided not to secede but to remain neutral
What state remained in the Union because it didn't have many states.
an old abolitionist that had moved to Kansas from Canada
John Brown
became President of the Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis
Describe who was running in the Election of 1860 and for which party.
Tell who won.
-Two different candidates were formed for the Democrat party
-Stephen Douglas (anti-slavery)
-John C. Breckinridge (pro-slavery)
-One from the Republican party
-Abraham Lincoln
-One from the National Constitutional Union Party- John Bell
- Lincoln won the election without many votes from the South, which made many Southerners frightened that they would be at the mercy of the North.
Lincoln used the army to jail pro-southern legislators so that the state government could not vote for secession.
What major problems did the Dred Scott decision cause in the U.S.?
Chief Justice Roger Taney wanted to heal the nation, but caused more harm than even Congress did.
-his ruling that Congress could not prevent slaves from being brought into free territories, made the Missouri Compromise impossible.
-it also overturned the Kansas-Nebraska Act- couldn’t ensure popular sovereignty either
-finally surrendered after a day and half of the Confederacy firing on them; he only surrendered because he ran out of ammunition.
Robert Anderson
debated Lincoln for Illinois Senate seat (and won)
Stephen Douglas
Describe how the Kansas territory ended up with two governments.
with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, settlers from the Northeast poured into Kansas to make sure Kansas would be free not a slave territory- called “free soilers”
To organize the Kansas territory, settlers had to form a territorial government.
The majority of those in Kansas were free soilers
-to prevent Kansas from becoming a free territory, pro-slavery Missourians crossed the border and voted to elect a pro-slavery majority in the first elections for the territorial legislature.
-free soil Kansas settlers refused to accept this result, elected an antislavery legislature which gave Kansas two competing governments
federal forces drove the pro-Confederate governor from the state.
Give two Southern written opinions of the slave trade.
-they said slavery was not condemned in the Bible and St. Paul himself told slaves to obey their masters
-Others like John C. Calhoun, argued that every civilization needed a subject population, calling slavery “the most safe and stable basis for free institutions in the world.”
In George Fitzhugh’s volume “Cannibals All” he:
-argued that both North and South were engaged in slave trade
briefly a member of the House of Representatives but had lost because of his opposition to the Mexican-American War
Abraham Lincoln
Took on the Dredd Scott case hoping to bring unity and peace
Roger Taney
Describe what happened at Fort Sumter in detail
-one of two forts still in the deep south that were controlled by the U.S.
-Buchanan tried to send supplies but they were stopped by the Confederacy.
-Lincoln would not abandon Fort Sumter and also tried to send a supply ship
-Confederates took the decision not to withdraw troops as an act of war
-Gave warning to those on Fort Sumter that unless they surrendered, they would start firing on them.
-1 and a half days of firing, those on the fort surrendered
Due to Lincoln's call for volunteers, this state said that it could not stand by while Lincoln subjugated her sister states- on April 17, 1861, it voted to secede from the Union.
What did Lincoln and Douglas say in their debates about slavery?
Douglas- continued to argue for popular sovereignty
Lincoln- called slavery a moral issue, said that slavery was a moral issue and should be banned in the territories because it is a “moral, social and political wrong.”
Lincoln did not call for immediate abolition of slavery but he appealed to the doctrine of “inalienable rights” in the Declaration of Independence- if all men are created equal, then they should be guaranteed life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to every person regardless of their race.
ran for President as a Democrat (anti-slavery party) in 1860; lost
Stephen Douglas
daughters of the South Carolina judge
-had grown up in the South and seen slavery first hand
Angelina Grimke
Describe the Dred Scott case/decision
a slave
-made a claim that since his former master had brought him to live for extended period at a military post in a free territory, he was a free man.
After a year of deliberation, the majority of the USSC came to the following decision (led by the majority lead Taney):
-no black man could ever be a citizen of the United States.
-the Declaration of Independence mentions that “All men are created equal” but that does not apply to blacks
-slaves were property, and the Constitution protects a man’s property
-anywhere a man takes a slave, he was still a slave
-Congress could not prevent slave owners from taking slaves into free territory
Name the states that seceded from the Union (all)
South Carolina,Alabama, Mississippi, Florida. Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina
Explain the two plans for the transcontinental railroad including who introduced them, where they would start, and where they would end and any problems they had. Be sure to include which plan “won.”
-Jefferson Davis- He favored a railroad that would begin in New Orleans, run through Texas and New Mexico and on into California
Stephen Douglas- wanted the railroad to begin in St. Louis, Missouri and cross the central part of the country, ending in San Francisco
-favored the North and would not attract southern supporters in Congress
-Disadvantage: it would cross through the Nebraska territory- which did not have a territorial government- a requirement for a railroad project, added to that, it would be a free territory- something the Southern Congressmen would object.
Douglas- pushed the Kansas- Nebraska Act through Congress paving the way for the transcontinental railroad.
Congressman from Pennsylvania
-Had an idea that all new territories should be closed to slavery.
David Wilmot