Positive symptoms
Negative Symptoms
Defintion of Schizophrenia
Severely impaired cognitive processes, personality disintegration, affective disturbances, and social withdrawal
What are positive symptoms?
Symptoms of schizo that involve unusual thoughts or perceptions such as delusions, hallucinations, thought disorder or bizarre behavior
Name the seven common varieties of delusions
thought withdrawal, delusions of grandeur, delusions of reference, delusions of control, delusions of thought broadcasting, delusions of persecution and paranoid ideation
What are negative symptoms
Inability or decrease ability to initiate actions or speech, express emotions, or feel pleasure
What is the prodromal phase?
onset and buildup of schizophrenic symptoms social withdrawal and isolation, peculiar behaviors, inappropriate affect, poor communication patterns, and neglect of personal grooming
Most commonly reported experience for those who have auditory hallucinations
appear to be real to the individual and sometimes have relationship like qualites 61% reported voices have distinct gender 46% believe that voice was family member, friend or acquaintance 80% have back and forth conversation with voices
What are delusions
False personal beliefs that are firmly and consistently held despite dis-confirming evidence or logic- cannot distinguish between private thoughts and external reality
What is delusion of grandeur, control, and thought broadcasting?
grandeur- individual believes that they are someone famous or powerful (past or present) Control- individuals may believe that other people, animals, or objects are trying to influence or take control of them Thought broadcasting- others can hear there thoughts
What is avolitoin and Alogia?
avolition- inabilty to take action or become goal-oriented alogia- lack of meaningful speech
What is the active phase?
person begins to show full blown symptoms of schizophrenia severe disturbances in thinking, deterioration in social relationships, and flat or markedly inappropriate affect
what are characteristics of grossly abnormal psychomotor behavior
Extremes in activity levels catatonia, peculiar body movements or postures, strange gestures or grimaces, combinations
What are delusions of persecution, reference, thought withdrawal and paranoid ideation?
persecution- others are plotting against, mistreating or even trying to kill them reference- center of attention or that all happenings revolve around them thought withdrawal- someone or something is removing thoughts from their mind paranoid ideation- most common delusion, suspiciousness about the actions or motives of others
What is asociality and restricted affect?
associality- minimal interest in social relationship Restricted affect- little or no emotion
What leads to active phase
psychosocial stressors or excessive demands on an individual with schizo in the prodromal phase
What is catatonia
A condition characterized by marked disturbance in motor activity- either extreme excitement or motor immobility
What are Hallucinations
A sensory perception that is not directly attributed to environmental stimuli- auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), olfactory (smelling), tactile (feelings), gustatory (tasting)
What is capgras syndrome?
rare delusion- belief in the existence of identical "doubles" who replace significant others.
What are primary symptoms?
Symptoms that arise from the disease itself
What is the residual phase?
the symptoms are no longer prominent
What are the paranoid symptoms of Schizophrenia?
High level of anxiety and worry Experience persecutory delusion (beliefs of being targeted) anger reactions to perceive persecution
Disorganized thought and speech is characterized by?
primary characteristic of schizo loosening of associations (cognitive slippage)- shifting from topic to topic without any apparent logical or meaningful connection between thoughts incoherent speech or bizarre, idiosyncratic response over inclusiveness or abnormal categorization
Delusions can produce strong emotinal reactions such as
fear, depression, or anger
What are secondary symptoms?
Develop as a response to medication and institutionalization, or as a result of mood disorder, such as depression
How many people show periods of recovery for schizophrenia? (recovery is defined as: absence of psychotic activity and negative symptoms, working half time or more. and no psychiatric hospitalization during the period of evaluation.