A hiring method focused on a candidate's practical skills and performance.
Skills-based hiring
Company that focuses on workplace scenarios in pre-employment assessments.
HR Avatar
Creating a problem-solving environment with camaraderie where tasks can be explored and enhanced in a goal-oriented manner
The Founder and CEO that Kaiya met with.
David Szilagyi
The type of test is Owiwi based off of.
Situational Judgement Test
Two benefits of skills-based hiring.
Wider talent pool, Accelerated time-to-hire, Reduced costs, Improved retention rates, Great diversity
The number of steps involved in creating HR Avatar simulation tests.
•Shows commitment
•Quick evaluation
•Diverse experiences
•Engage candidates
Benchmark's slogan
"Hire for potential"
Plato's famous quote about games.
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”
One of the four steps to adopting skills-based hiring.
Don't try to reinvent the wheel, start small, team up, put applicants to the test
Year that HR Avatar was incorporated.
This company used a billboard with a math equation to attract applicants.
The Benchmark game that uses tower building to focus on planning and problem solving.
The validity score that Owiwi's research find on SJTs
The percent of employers who say skills assessments are just as or more important than other hiring criteria.
The first step in creating simulation tests.
Use a solid job analysis
The gamification market is expected to hit 96.8 billion in this year
Name one of the companies mention in the presentation that uses Benchmark.games.
Owiwi's Slogan
Hire Once
The percent of employers who use pre-employment assessments to gauge job applicants' knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Healthcare Professional Situational Judgment Assessment, Marketing Manager Assessment
Lee-Anne Edwards, Founder and CEO of OneInAMil Recruiting began using this to evaluate candidates' teamwork and problem solving skills
The Benchmark game that focuses on navigating through various maze-like maps
The name of the set of islands Owiwi is set in.
Isle of the Shroud