Describing Weather
Weather Patterns
Severe Weather
Weather Forecasts
Wind and Clouds
This is the water cycle.
What is water being evaporated into the air from large bodies of water, then air cools and water condenses into tiny droplets and forms clouds, they get too heavy and precipitation falls. Then it starts all over again!
This air mass is formed over desserts near the equator.
What is maritime continental?
This is the center of a hurricane.
What is the eye of the storm?
The boundary between cold and warm air masses.
What is a front?
The type of weather associated with high pressure areas.
What is calm and clear skies?
This is used to track wind speed.
What is an anemometer?
Rain can only fall if the temperature is _______ at ground level.
What is warm (above freezing)?
This is the difference between a weather watch and a weather warning.
What is a watch is conditions are right for severe weather and a warning is severe weather has been spotted?
This is a special type of radar that can detect precipitation as well as the movement of small particles, which can help approximate wind speed.
What is doppler?
Winds that blow from the west to the east are called this.
What is westerlies?
This is the phase of the water cycle in the atmosphere during a sunny and hot day.
What is evaporation?
This is the type of air mass that forms over water and oceans.
What is maritime?
The only way that hail can form is if this happens.
What is ice pellets get caught in updrafts and gather more layers of ice before they fall to the ground?
If there is an occluded front in your area, you are experiencing this type of weather.
What is clouds and precipitation?
Lines on weather maps that connect areas with the same pressure.
What is isobars?
This is what air pressure does as altitude increases.
What is decreases?
This is the direction the air moves in a high pressure system. (both in the center and on the outside)
What is air sinks in the center and circulates away from the center on the outside.
These are the stages of a thunderstorm.
What is cumulus stage, mature stage, and dissipation stage?

What type of weather would you experience if there is a high pressure system in your area?

High pressure

Cirrus clouds can be described as this.
What is wispy and high?
Describe relative humidity and what happens when it reaches 100%.
What is the measure of water vapor in the air, when it reaches 100%, dew point is reached and some condensation occurs?
This is the pressure system that brings about clouds and precipitation.
What is high pressure system?
A hurricane always starts as a ______ area over the ocean. As winds pick up, it is upgraded to a _______ ______, and if winds pick up to _____mph, it is then called a hurricane.
What is low pressure, tropical storm, and 75 mph?

What causes wind?

The differences of air pressure. The bigger the pressure differences, the stronger the wind blows. (Closer the isobars are to each other on a weather map, the stronger the wind.)

These are the lowest clouds and are flat, white and layered.
What is stratus?