Multiple Choice Test Questions
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Test Questions
Pressure Problems
The equivalence of buoyant force on an object and the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
What is Archimedes’ Principle.
A resting object exerts pressure equal to this?
What is its weight divided by its contact area.
How much pressure in kPa does the Earth's atmosphere exert
What is 101 kPa
Explain how pressure is different than force.
What is a force is a push or pull, whereas a pressure is force per unit area.
Find the Pressure if Force = 2700N Area = 1.5 m^2 Hint: you must change it to kPa
What is 1.8 kPa
The SI unit of pressure, equal to 1 Newton per square meter (N/m2)
What is Pascal
Compared to the pressure exerted by a brick standing on its end, the pressure exerted by a brick resting on its side is this?
What is less
A change in pressure at any point in a fluid is transmitted equally and unchanged in all directions throughout a fluid.
What is the definition of Pascal's Principle.
Fluids flow and can take the shape of its containers are characteristics of this.
What is Two characteristics of a fluid.
Find the Pressure if Force = 1000N Area = 1.5 m^2 Hint: you must change it to kPa
What is 0.67 kPa
The ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object placed on it.
What is buoyancy.
The amount of water pressure you experience while swimming in a pool depends on this
What is how deep you are in the water.
As the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.
What is the definition of Bernoulli's Principle
Weight and buoyant force are two determining factors on whether an object will do this.
What is float or sink.
Find the Pressure if Force = 5555N Area = 2.5 m^2 Hint: you must change it to kPa
What is 2.22 kPa
A device that uses a pressurized fluid acting on pistons of different sizes to increase force.
What is Hydraulic System
Blaise Pascal discovered that changes in pressure are....
What is transmitted equally throughout a fluid.
The buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
What is the definition of Archimedes' Principle.
It is easier to float in the ocean than in a fresh water pool because of salt water has a greater....
What is salt water has a greater density.
Find the Force if Pressure = 2700kPa Area = 1.5 m^2
What is 4050 kPa*m^2
A substance or mixture that flows and has no shape of its own.
What is fluid
The buoyant force acting on a submerged object is equal to this..
What is the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
Densities are often expressed in non-SI unites of this
What is grams per cubic centimeter.
A helium-filled balloon is less dense than air, thus it rises.
What is the explanation of why a helium balloon rises in air.
Find the Pressure if Force = 3000N Area =10 m^2 Hint: you must change it to kPa
What is 0.3 kPa