Feel the Wrinkles
There's nothing funny about perspectives
Oh God, I'm dying
The Hosp's
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer
The changes in physical appearance as you get old
What is balding, wrinkles, and feeling old?
Prejudice, discrimination, and hostility directed toward a certain age group
What is ageism?
The number of stages that occur in the death process a. 1 b. 5 c. 4
What is B. 5?
The term that describes elderly in the hospital who die surrounded by strangers who put their priorities before patients a. graying of America b. institutional hospital care c. institutional death
What is C. institutional death?
Describes what the elderly are treated like a. animals b. children c. elderly
What is B. children?
The amount of factors to deciding when you are old a. 2 b. 4 c. 3
What is B. 4?
Shows how culture influences the experience in aging and emphasizes that no age has any particular meaning a. symbolic interactionist perspective b. conflict perspective c. functionalist perspective
What is A. symbolic interactionist perspective?
Trying to make a bargain with fate A. denial B. depression C. negotiation
What is C. negotiation?
Focuses on both the dying and their friends and family a. hospices b. nursing homes c. hospitals
What is A. hospices?
The majority of elderly abusers a. family members b. friends c. nursing home staff
What is A. family members?
Describe gender age
What is a value placed on men and women's ages?
The perspective that shows why organizations such as Gray Panthers and AARP are necessary a. symbolic interactionist perspective b. conflict perspective c. functionalist perspective
What is B. conflict perspective?
Describe denial during the death process
What is avoiding topics and discussions of death?
The reason why hospices emerged
What is people want to die with dignity?
Bad characteristics of nursing homes
What is being under-staffed and unreliable?
Signals societies use to inform that old age has begun a. timeshares b. gray factors c. timetables
What is C. timetables?
The number of workers who support one elderly person a. dependency ratio b. independent ratio c. various ratio
What is A. dependency ratio?
The stage when they realize they can't change anything a. acceptance b. depression c. happiness
What is B. depression?
The contrast between hospitals and hospices
What is hospitals prolong life while hospices focus on making people comfortable during the death process?
Why 70% of elderly people are in poverty
What is because within 3 months of being in a nursing home, they go broke
The factors of deciding when you are old
What is biology and physical appearance, personal history, gender age, and timetables?
The 3 theories the functionalist perspective supports
What is disengagement theory, activity theory, and continuity theory?
The order of stages of the death process
What is denial, anger, negotiation, depression, and acceptance?
The three things hospices reduce
What is emotional burden, physical burden, and cost of death?
The percentage of nursing home staff who admitted to psychologically abusing patients and the percentage who physically abused patients a. 30% and 10% b. 10% and 40% c. 40% and 10%
What is C. 40% psychologically and 10% physically?