Who welcomes Okonkwo and his family?
Who visits Okonkwo in his second year of exile?
What did they do to Okonkwo instead of execute him?
Exile him
He is the oldest living member of Okonkwos mothers family
"It is true that a child belongs to its ___"
What do Uchendus sons give Okonkwo to help him restart?
Seed Yams
What does Obirieka bring Okonkwo?
Cowries from selling his yams
Crimes are treated with what?
Grave consequences:3
He is Okonkwos uncle but they consider eachother....
"He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have ____ apart"
Why does Okonkwo feel discouraged to work?
He feels like fate is against him
Why was Abame destroyed?
The villagers killed a white man after an Oracle’s warning, and the white men retaliated.
Men are presented as what in Things Fall Apart compared to women??
What has Uchendus losses told Okonkwo?
That he could've had it much worse
"Never kill a man who ___ _____"
What phrase does Uchendu use to show Okonkwo the importance of mothers?
"Mother is supreme"
What was Uchendus criticism of Abame?
He said they should not have killed a silent man
Who arrived in Chapter 15?
The missionaries
What had Uchendu lost?
Five of his six wives and 22 children(which he buried)
"..when there is sorrow and bitterness he finds refuge in his ___"
What lesson does Uchendu teach Okonkwo about hardship?
A child belongs to his father in good times, but in hardship, the mother provides comfort and refuge.
What promise does Obierika make to Okonkwo before leaving?
To continue selling his yams
What was the prompt for the picture of that man?
Okonkwo things fall apart super sexy
What does Uchendus losses give Okonkwo?
"But if you allow sorrow to weigh you down and kill you, they will all ___ in ____"