Review of the 7 Steps in the Sales Process
Making the Presentation Come Alive
Methods to Handle Objections
What are the 7 steps of the sales process in order?
What is 1. Approach the customer 2. Determine the customer's needs 3. Present the product 4. Overcome objections 5. Close the Sale 6. Suggestion Selling 7. Relationship Building
What do the terms layman's terms and jargon mean?
What is Layman's Terms - are words the average customer can understand Jargon - is technical or specialized vocabulary used by members of a particular profession or industry
Insincere reasons for not buying or not seeing the salesperson.
What is excuses
Explain how demonstration is used as a method to handle objections in a sales presentation.
What is demonstrations help the customer see and believe that the product can do what it claims it can do.
What is a list of common objections that a customer might have with possible responses.
What is an objection analysis sheet
What is the difference between the service, greeting, and merchandise approaches in selling?
What is Service Approach: the salesperson asks the customer if he or she needs assistance. Greeting Approach: the salesperson simply welcomes the customer to the store Merchandise Approach: the salesperson makes a comment or asks a questions about a product in which a customer shows interest.
Name 2 things you should do when presenting a product to make it come alive for the customer.
What is display and handle the product in an eye-catching way, demonstrate how to use the product correctly, use sales aids, involve the customer in the presentation.
What are objections in the sales process defined as?
What is concerns, hesitations, doubts, or other honest reasons a customer has for not making a purchase.
Which method of handling objections is based on customer misinformation?
What is denial.
How does the third party method of handling objections work?
What is it involves using a 3rd party/a previous consumer who gives a testimonial about the product.
What 3 things should you do to determine a customer's needs?
What is Observe, Listen, Question
Name 5 sales aids that we talked about in class, and explain how they can be useful in a sales presentation.
What is Samples, reprints of magazines/newspapers articles, audiovisual aids, models, photographs, drawings, graphs/charts, specification sheets, customer testimonials, warranty information.
Why should you welcome customer objections?
What is Objections can help guide the sales process, by helping refine the customer's needs and determine when the customer wants/needs more information.
Which method of handling objections is explained in this example? "I don't see a point for 2 sinks in the master bedroom" "Do you get ready at the same time as your wide?" "Yes" "Do either of you wait for the other to finish because there is no room?" "Yes, I see your point"
What is Question (method)
What is the max number of products you should show a customer in a sales presentation?
What is three
Most objections to a sale come from which of the 5 common objections, and why?
What is Product because these objections reflect the actual use and implementation of the product.
Would you always show the same product features to all customers during the product presentation step, if not how do you decide which features to show.
What is No, you should show the one feature most important to that particular customer first!
What are the 5 common objections that customers use when in a sales presentation?
What is Need, Product, Source, Price, and Time
Bringing an objection back to the customer as a selling point is known as which method of handling objections?
What is Boomerang
What price range of products should you show to a customer first to gauge their willingness to spend money?
What is the mid-price products.
What is the point of the suggestion selling step in the sales process?
What is to sell additional goods or services to the customer
What are 2 reasons why it is important for a salesperson to restate a customer's objections before responding to it?
What is to be sure they understand the customer, and to show the customer that they listened to his/her concerns.
What is the 4 step process for handling objections?
What is step 1: Listen Carefully Step 2: Acknowledge the Customer's Objections Step 3: Restate the Objections Step 4: Answer the Objections
The method of handling objections that allows the salesperson to acknowledge the objection as valid BUT still offsets them with other features and benefits is known as
What is the superior point method.
What is the ultimate goal of the product presentation step in the sales process?
What is to match the customer's needs with appropriate product features and benefits.