What is: The act of guiding or directing others
This style works best when the leader has the expert knowledge or skills needed to make decisions and the followers do not
What is: Autocratic Leadership
This type of learning offers instruction in many areas related to business. This helps you qualify for higher-level jobs in your field.
What is: Colleges and Universities, Formal
A team only has people from one department specifically. People from other departments are not allowed to merge.
What is: a mental image of what something will or could be in the future
As a leader if you want your employees to come to work on time and meet deadlines what should you do?
What is: Lead by example
allows the leader to lead others with authority and make difficult decisions during times of uncertainty.
What is: Confidence
this type of learning includes the use of books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and articles.
What is: Written, Visual, and Audio Materials, Informal Learning
When delegating tasks, you are still accountable for the task and saying that someone helped you is a poor excuse for incomplete and poorly done work
Formal learning
What is: Acquiring new skills or knowledge in a structured setting
The leader gives serious consideration to the input offered by followers. This style encourages followers to be creative and innovative.
What is: Democratic Leadership
This trait helps you view things from other people's perspectives, which is essential for collective decision-making. This quality can also help prevent and manage conflict, as it helps you empathise with people and manage your interactions in a way that eliminates or reduces misunderstanding.
What is: Emotional intelligence
This type of learning involves doing a task or taking part in an activity rather than just reading about it or watching others
What is: Learning Experience, informal
E-readers are very light are portable, however can only hold a few amount of books.
What is: A formal presentation by a speaker followed by activities or discussion amoung the leaders
What are the 5 C’s for effective communication
What is: A Clear message
A Concise message
A Complete message
A Correct message
A courteous message
helps leaders make decisions based on data, physical evidence, observations or other tangible information rather than arbitrary decisions.
What is: Critical thinking
What are some ways leaders can foster a positive work culture?
What is: Leaders can create a positive work culture by recognizing achievements, encouraging open communication, promoting teamwork, and providing professional development opportunities.
what is: a plan of action designed to accomplish a goal
For this leadership style to work, the employees must have the expert skill and knowledge needed to complete the tasks.
helps leaders better guide their teams through crises or constantly changing environments.
This type of formal learning gives employers access to training classes. The courses are self-paced and both courses and podcasts are free
What is: Government Agencies
Why is lifelong learning important in today’s rapidly changing work environment?
What is: Lifelong learning helps individuals stay relevant, adapt to new technologies, improve skills, and remain competitive in the job market.