
Lincoln's plan for reconstruction called for _______ percent of state voters to pledge allegiance to the Union in order to be readmitted. 

What is ten?


Series of laws in the southern states that severely limited the rights of black people before the passing of the 14th amendment 

What are Black codes?


Scandal that involved whiskey distillers and federal tax collectors defrauding the government of millions of tax revenue

What is the Whiskey Ring?


Andrew Johnson's political party

What is the Democratic party? (or National Union)


Short term agency that helped freed slaves acquire food, housing, employment etc. 

What is the Freedman's Bureau?


Johnson's plan for reconstruction required that southern landowners worth more than $20,000 do what to be pardoned?

What is apply to him personally for a pardon?


This act established five military zones in the south overseen by a Union general. 

What is the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

Scandal that involved a construction company overcharging the Union Pacific railroad and then giving that money to Union Pacific officers who were stockholders

What is the Credit Mobilier scandal?


Represented the Liberal Republicans and Democrats in the presidential election of 1872, known for being odd, vegetarian, and into spiritualism

Who is Horace Greeley?


The fourteenth amendment granted full citizenship to African Americans, based a state's representation on its whole population, stated that the state and federal government would not pay confederate war debts, and what else?

What is people who had supported the Confederacy were barred from voting or holding office? 


Most slaves returned to farm work under what system, where they paid for use of land, shelter, and tools in return for a portion of the crops grown

What is sharecropping?


required military governors for each southern state until a majority of all adult white males signed an oath of allegiance and denied suffrage to all former confederate leaders (along with two other provisions) 

What is the Wade-Davis Bill?


Leader and organization name of the Democratic political machine in New York known for corruption

Who is William "Boss" Tweed and Tammany Hall?


Two leading Radical Republicans

Who are Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner?


Definition of impeachment

What is the House of Reps bringing charges against a president/charging a president with a crime?

Formally ended Reconstruction

What is the Compromise of 1877?


Congress attempted to grant African Americans citizenship and full protection of the laws before the 14th amendment with this bill

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1866?


Two men who tried to monopolize the gold market and convinced Grant not to release more gold into circulation

Who are Jay Gould and James Fisk?


Secretary of War that Andrew Johnson fired after Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act

Who is Edwin Stanton?


Company that controlled war bonds, failed, and started the Panic of 1873

What is the Jay Cook and Co?


Name of the southern states that voted Democratic in presidential elections until 1972

What is "The Solid South?"


Act that allowed thousands of former Confederates to vote and hold office that allowed Redeemers to take over

What is the General Amnesty Act?


Secretary of War who resigned after the House began impeachment proceedings for granting special licenses to sell goods to Native Americans

William Belknap


How the election of 1876 was decided

What is that a commission of fifteen men determined who got the electoral votes of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina?

Leader of the Freedman's Bureau who believed education was the foundation for assisting former slaves

Who is Oliver Howard?