What’s happening to my body?
(Middle Adult-Physical)
So what if, I bought another snowmobile?
(Middle Adult-Social)
…will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64?
(Late Adult-Physicl)
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
(Late Adult – Social)
Death and taxes
(Death, Dying & Breavment)
Q: Presbyopia is known as the normal loss of ______ acuity with aging, especially the ability to focus the eyes on near objects.
What is Visual
Q: the term used to describe the sense that one is making a valuable contribution to society by bringing up children? A. Presbycusis B. Generativity C. Gerontology
What is B. Generativity
Q: What does ADL stand for? A. Activities of daily living B. Activities of disabled leaders. C. Artistic development level
What is A. Activities of daily living
Q: Most grandparents tell stories of their life because they are ________ about past events.
What is Reminiscing
Q. Hospice care is an approach used for those who are facing what? A. Just turned 60 B. Terminally ill C. Entering a nursing home
What is B. Terminally Ill
Q: The term used to describe the adult period during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost is known as what?
What is Climacteric
Q: Middle-aged adults are in what stage of Erickson’s social theory?
What is Gernerativity-versus-stagnation stage.
Q; What are three examples of instrumental activities of daily living?
What is Housework, cooking, managing money
Q: Late adulthood is associated with what one of Erickson’s stages?
What is Ego integrity versus despair
The term used to refer to the belief that bad things, including death, happen only to others.
What is Unique invulnerability
Q: middle-aged adults’ brains respond more ____ to cognitive tasks than those of younger adults. A. Slowly B. Quickly C. Clearly
What is A. Slowly
Q: ______ percent of Grandparents in the US have full-time responsibility for a grandchild for 6 months or longer.
What is 10
How old is a man expected to live today?
What is 75 years
The term used when a person moves to a nursing home that is necessitated by a disability is called what? A. Amenity move B. Compensatory migration C. Institutional migration
What is C. Institutional migration
Q: What is the most difficult death to recover from?
What is the death of a spouse.
Q: What are the three menopausal phases?
What is Premenopausal, Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal
Q. How early should a person start preparing for retirement?
What is 15 years before anticipated retirement
Adults older than 65 show a ____ in REM sleep.
What is Decrease
Late-aged adults who attend ________ services are physically and emotionally healthier than their peers who don’t attend.
What is Religious
Q: What are three states of death?
What is clinical death, brain death and social death
At what age do women experience major estrogen declines?
What is Late 40’s
Name the three mid-life tasks a person must confront according to Levinson.
What is Accepting mortality, recognizing new physical limitations and health risks and adapting to major changes in most roles.
Q: Name three theories of Biological Aging.
What is The hayflick limit, Genetically programmed senescence , Free radicals, Repair of genetic material and cross-linking
Q: What are the three components of Rowe and Kahn’s successful aging?
What is good physical health, retention of cognitive abilities and continuing engagements in social and productive activities.
Q: Name three of Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying.
What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.