Harder than Diamonds
Government Agencies and Acts
Employment at Will
Employment Agreements
Ch 15 Vocab

What does the acronym ERISA stand for?

Employment Retirement Income Security Act


A system of payments to people who are out of work and looking for a job.

Unemployment compensation


Who can end the employment relationship at any time for any reason or for no reason without notice?

The employer or the employee.

It was during this era that workers banded together into labor unions to demand better working conditions. 

Industrial Revolution


This is a program established by an employer or union to provide income to the employees after they retire.

Pension plan


This Act passed in 1969 would have applied to the movie "A Civil Action" where poisonous chemicals were dumped into the ground.

The Environmental Policy Act


The minimum number of employees a company must have for an employee to be entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new child or relative.



Employment-at-will does not apply to these individuals who negotiate their own individual contracts.  

Entertainers, sports figures, and executives.


This was one of the first federal laws in support of employees joining a union.

Norris-LaGuardia Act 1932


This is a contract that exists when an employer has said, written, or done something to lead an employee to reasonably believe that he or she is not an at-will- employee.

Implied contract.


This title of the Civil Rights Act prevents an employer from asking a job applicant about his or her religion, race, or marital status during an interview.

Title VII


The minimum age that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination against.



This is an organization of employees formed to promote the welfare of its members.



This Act requires unions to give a 60-day notice before calling a strike.  

The Taft-Hartley Act 1947


This is a legal argument that holds that any employment relationship is based on a promise that the employer and the employee will be fair and honest with one another.

Implied covenant.


This bars employers form using lie detector tests for the screening of employment applicants.

The Employee Polygraph Protection Act


This Act makes employers responsible for verifying the identity of employment eligibility of all employees. 

Immigration Reform Act


This bars an employer from taking back certain types of promises.

Promissory Estoppel


This percentage of workers must agree to contact the NLRB to organize a full vote to form a union.



This is when an employer intentionally discriminates against an individual or group of individuals belonging to a protected class.

Disparate treatment.


What are the six major Acts passed by the government to ensure fairness and ethical behavior in employment?

1 Civil Rights Act of 1964 

2 Civil Rights Act of  1991

3 Pregnancy Discrimination Act 

4Immigration Reform Act 5 Age Discrimination Act

6 Americans with Disabilities Act


This Act was enacted to strengthen the doctrine of disparate impact requiring employers to prove that the qualifications for hiring or promoting are related to the specific job involved in a court case.

Civil Rights Act of 1991


A protected class of people cannot be fired for 6 different reasons.  What are they?

Race, color, creed, national origin, gender and age.


This Act is aimed at halting corruption in unions.

Landrum-Griffin Act 1959


This legal theory permits a discharged employee to bring a wrongful discharge lawsuit against a former employer based on the argument that the firing somehow hurts the public at large.

Public policy tort