period of time a drinker cannot remember
what part of the body breaks down alcohol
term used to describe the after effects of too much drinking
2 ways alcohol effects the brain
impaired judgement
kills brain cells
memory loss
An alcoholic in late-stage alcoholism may experience this where it takes less and less alcohol to feel effects
reverse tolerance
What is the legal limit for some some 21 or over?
BAC stands for?
Blood alcohol concentration
Alcohol content is not the same in all beverages any alcohol that states it is 100 proof is what percent alcohol?
What is 50%.
What are inhibitions?
your ability to make decisions with good judgment
Stages of alcoholism
1. Problem Drinking
2. Absolute Dependence
3. Late stage alcoholism
How many deaths related to alcohol every year?
what does DWI, DUI, and OVI stand for?
driving while intoxication
driving under the influence
operating vehicle impaired
3 factors that effect BAC
body size
amount of food in stomach
rate of consumption