French Revolution 1
French Revolution 2

Which Enlightenment thinker influences the United States's founding documents the most?

John Locke


What are the three estates composed of?

Clergy, Nobles, middle class/peasants 


What organization led the Reign of Terror?

The Committee of Public Safety


How did the Russians defeat Napoleon?

They had the advantage of fighting on their native land in winter, and the French army did not bring enough supplies for an extended campaign in winter weather. They also used "scorched-earth policy" which was destroying everything as they retreated to keep the French from having any added crops or supplies. They then picked off the weak French soldiers as they retreated 


Name a famous Baroque composer

Handel, Monteverdi, or Bach


Which Enlightenment thinker advocated for separation of powers among three branches of government?

Baron de Montesquieu


Explain the unequal tax situation in Old Regime France

The Third Estate, especially the peasants, had to pay taxes on their property, person, and income, while the upper classes did not pay any of these taxes


Why did a mob storm the Bastille?

They were told there were weapons inside, and they were rioting against the king and about food shortages and the presence of troops in Paris


What made Napoleon so successful early in his career? 

He did not follow the rules of engagement of war expected during that time. This gave him an advantage because he could often suprise other armies who did not expect anyone to fight on Sundays, in the rain, or when another army was already retreating etc. 


What instrument was new in classical music?

The Piano


What is a social contract?

The idea that citizens voluntarily give up some of their rights and freedoms so that they can benefit from the protection of the whole (i.e. the government), and that whole follows the general will. If that contract is broken, the citizens have the right to remove that government


Why do the members of the Third Estate end up on a tennis court, what do they declare there?

Louis locks them out of the their assembly room, and they take the Tennis Court Oath, that they will not leave until they have a constitution. 


What is popular sovereighnty? 

The idea that the authority of the state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people. This idea was a major driver of the Revolution. 


Napoleon is exiled to what island after the Battle of Nations? Where does he eventually die?

Elba; St Helena 


Man who built his own telescope and was persecuted for his scientific ideas by the Catholic Church



What type of government is ideal according to Thomas Hobbes? Why?

Absolute monarchy--because mankind is too selfish and brutish to rule itself, so it needs a monarch to protect it from its own evils


How do the French Revolution and the Enlightenment connect?

Enlightenment ideas, especially those of the individual rights and representative government spur the Third Estate to demand rights and a say in government. 

What year does France become a republic?



What structure of government does Napoleon put in place after his coup? What does he eventually change it to in 1804?

He creates a Consulate with three consuls (the first being most powerful). He will make himself consulate for like in 1802 and emperor in 1804. 


How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?

The scientific method and process of experimentation and questioning was transferred from addressing questions of the physical world to addressing questions about government, society, and humanity. This led to a questioning of the established social order (absolutism) and the desire to change it. 


Define the Enlightenment

A European movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that questioned traditional authority, religion, and society; emphasized reason, logic, and following natural laws as the way to improve society


How does the National Constituent Assembly take power from the Catholic Church?

the Assembly confiscated all church land and used it to pay government debts. It also passed the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which put the church under the state, made all clergy popularly elected, and made them take an oath of loyalty to the state. 


What year are Louis XVI and Marie Antionette executed?

1793 (January and October respectively) 


Explain the Battle of Trafalgar and how it changes Napoleon's strategy against the British

Napoleon was set on taking down Great Britain. He clashes with their navy at the Cape of Trafalgar on the southern tip of Spain. Britain had the greatest navy at the time, while France was stronger on land. Admiral Lord Nelson defeats Napoleon's navy and this leads Napoleon to switch from direct attacks against Britain to his "Continental System" idea. 


What factors led to the Scientific Revolution? 

The Renaissance led to a rebirth of learning, and the Reformation had taught people to question established practices and authority. This mindset combined with the increased need for scientific innovation due to exploration led to scientific advances and the development of the scientific method