**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. In public speaking, the central claims that support the specific speech purpose and thesis statement. 2. In public speaking, points that provide support for the main points.
1. What is main points? 2. What is sub points?
A form of public speaking intended to increase the audience’s understanding or knowledge.
What is informative speeches?
combine explanatory narration and physical demonstration
What is demonstrative speeches?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. Presenting facts and information in a straightforward and evenhanded way, free of influence from the speaker’s personal thoughts and opinions. 2. Presenting facts and information from a particular point of view.
1. What is objective? 2. What is subjective?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. Sentences that connect different points, thoughts, and details in a way that allows them to flow naturally from one to the next. 2. Key words or phrases within sentences that signify transitions between main points.
1. What is transitions? 2. What is signposts?
: A speech that answers the question "Why? or What does that mean?" by offering thorough explanations of meaning.
What is explanatory speech?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. In public speaking, an extended transition that primes the audience for the content immediately ahead. 2. An extended transition that allows the speaker to crystallize the points made in one section of a speech before moving to the next section.
1. What is internal preview? 2. What is internal summary?
An approach to conveying information that involves painting a mental picture for the audience.
What is descriptive presentation?
Defining something by explaining what it is or what it does.
What is operational definition?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. A reference to source materials that the speaker mentions in the narrative of a speech. 2. In a speech outline, brief reminders about important information related to the delivery of the speech.
1. What is oral citation? 2. What is delivery cues?
A structured form of a speech’s content.
What is outline?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. Defining something by offering concrete examples of what it is. 2. Defining something by telling what it is not.
1. What is definition by example? 2. What is definition by negation?
**TRIPLE JEOPARDY** 1. An explanation that illuminates a concept’s meaning and use. 2. An explanation that helps people understand ideas that are counter intuitive and is designed to help speakers transform "theories" about phenomena into more accepted notions. 3. An explanation that models or pictures the key dimensions of some phenomenon for a typical audience.
1. What is elucidating explanation? 2. What is transformative explanation? 3. What is quasi-scientific explanation?
A presentation whose main goal is to provide answers to "what" questions by explaining to an audience what something is.
What is definitional speeches?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. Defining something by using words that closely mean the same thing. 2. Defining something by using the origin of a word or phrase.
1. What is definition by synonym? 2. What is definition by etymology?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. A pattern of speech arrangement that entails five phases based on the psychological elements of advertising attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action. 2. A pattern of speech arrangement that ties points together in a way that presents a vivid story, complete with characters, settings, plot, and imagery.
1. What is motivated sequence pattern? 2. What is narrative pattern?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. A pattern of speech arrangement that is based on organization into categories, such as persons, places, things, or processes. 2. In public speaking, the tendency for audiences to remember points the speaker raises at the very beginning, or at the very end, of a message.
1. What is topical pattern? 2. primary-recency effect?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. A pattern of speech arrangement that presents the main points of a message forward (or backward) in a systematic, time related fashion. 2. A pattern of speech arrangement that arranges main points in terms of their physical proximity or position in relation to each other (north to south, east to west, bottom to top, left to right, outside to inside, and so on).
1. What is chronological pattern? 2. What is spatial pattern?
**DOUBLE JEOPARDY** 1. A pattern of speech arrangement that involves dramatizing an obstacle and then narrowing alternative remedies down to the one the speaker wants to recommend 2. A pattern of speech arrangement that organizes the message around cause-to- effect or effect-to-cause relationships.
1. What is problem-solution pattern? 2. What is cause-effect pattern?
In a persuasive speech, a challenge to listeners to act in response to the speech, see the problem in a new way, or change their beliefs, actions, and behavior.
What is call to action?
A draft outline the speaker will use, and probably revisit and revise continually, throughout the preparation for a speech; also known as a working outline.
What is preparation outline?
A type of outline that offers the full text of a speech, often the exact words that the speaker wants to say to the audience.
What is sentence outline?
A type of outline that takes parts of sentences and uses those phrases as instant reminders of what the point or subpoint means.
What is phrase outline?
The final speech plan, complete with details, delivery tips, and important notes about presentational aids; also known as the delivery outline.
What is speaking outline?
The briefest type of outline, consisting of specific "key words" from the sentence outline to jog the speaker’s memory.
What is key-word outline?