Lesson 1
Trade Routes and Conquests-Lesson 2
European Colonization
Lesson 3

 What is a Petrarch?

He encouraged people to study philosophy and literature


Which was the first country to experience a cultural and economic rebirth in France?



What did Europeans hope to find by exploring Africa?

gold and other riches


How could a colony increase the wealth of the ruling country?

By providing new markers that could trade only with the ruling country


What sequence of events led to the Renaissance?

Following the Black Death and Middle Ages, people wanted a change. As Italian city-states grew through trade and commerce, they flourished economically and intellectually. This led to a revived interest in the art, social, scientific, and political ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. 


What is Encomienda?

The system to demand labor from Native Americans


How did Europeans' way of thinking change during the Renaissance?

There was a renewed interest in art, science and social and political thought of ancient Greece and Rome


Why did many European Countries search for ocean routes to Africa?

Land routes were costly and dangerous


Why did European colonists force Native Americans to work for them?

They needed people to provide labor


What techniques were introduced in painting and sculpture during the Renaissance?

Artists began using perspective, depth and proportion to make their art appear more realistic. They also started using more colors.


What is mercantilism?

An economic policy where countries use colonies to obtain raw materials to make into products.


Which of the following did NOT take place during the Renaissance?

a) Art became more realistic

b) Scientists made new discoveries about the solar system

c) Religion became more unified

d) Technology became more advanced



Where is the Cape of Good Hope?

At the Southern tip of Africa


Under mercantilism, what did a colony supply to the ruling country?

raw materials


What differences in religious beliefs brought about the Reformation?

Some people believed that the church had become corrupt and should not be allowed to sell indulgences. They also believed that individuals should interpret the bible themselves. Others believed that the Pope or other church officials could interpret the Bible. This led some people to leave the Roman Catholic Church


What practice led to the Reformation?

Selling indulgences


What was an effect the printing press had?

More people learned how to read


Why did European explorers conquer regions of the Americas?

They were searching for wealth


How did the encomienda system work?

Some Europeans were granted the right to force Native Americans to work for them


What did European Countries gain from establishing colonies in different parts of the world?

They were able to become wealthy and powerful by colonizing other lands, acquiring new materials, creating new markets for European goods, and spreading Christianity to their colonies.


What is the Columbian Exchange?

An exchange of goods between Americas and Europe


What invention of the Renaissance continues to affect people today?

The invention of the watch


Why did European countries fund explorations to other lands?

They hoped to find new trade routes, find gold and riches, establish colonies and increase their power


Name 3 reasons for European colonization

expansion of power, religious freedom and increased wealth


How did European colonization expand the slave trade?

Many times there were not enough colonists to perform all the work in the colony. As a result, Europeans in the Americas often forced native people to work for them or brought in slaves from Africa to provide labor.