What color should urine normally be?
Pale yellow
In what direction should catheter be cleaned?
One direction away from the meatus
How should stool normally appear?
Brown & soft
When providing peri care to a female resident, the CNA should wipe from:
Front to back
This is used for residents who cannot assist with raising their hips onto a bedpan.
Fracture pan
Where is elimination equipment stored when not in use?
What is a straight catheter?
Removed immediately after use
A disorder that causes frequent liquid feces and is generally treated with a change of diet is
Pressure injuries
Which medical procedure can improve & extend the life of a resident suffering from CKD?
Cause more frequent urination
Which type of catheter remains inside a person for a period of time?
Indwelling cath
What is the best position for bowel elimination?
Squatting and leaning forward
This is a loss of urine d/t increase in intra-abdominal pressure (cough, sneeze)
Stress incontinence
During an enema a pt should be in this position
Which type of urine sample does not include the first and last urine in the sample?
Clean catch/midstream
What should you ensure you do with urinary catheter drainage bag?
Keep below bladder, off floor, tubing not kinked
Residents with these need to drink plenty of fluids because they lose extra liquid in their stools.
Why are UTI's more common in women?
Urethra shorter & located to potential sources of bacteria
The opening in the abdomen in a resident with an ostomy is called
When assisting a pt with a bladder retraining program, what should the CNA do before beginning a long procedure with the resident?
Offer bathroom
List 3 things you should observe/report when taking care of someone with urinary catheter?
Bloody urine, bag not filling, catheter leaking, pain/pressure, odor
What type of soap is used in a soapsuds enema?
Castile soap
List 3 things a CNA can do for incontinent pts?
Offer to assist with elimination often, answer call lights promptly, document/observe skin properly, keep brief dry/change often, encourage fluids
High blood pressure can lead to the development of which disease of the urinary system?
Chronic renal/kidney failure