Print-Rich Classrooms
The Language Arts Center
Planning For Centers
Family Home Connections

Does a classroom need plenty of interesting centers in it?



What does Barone and Xu (2008) suggest creating?

An inviting area that accomodates five to six children at a time.


What do educators always have in mind for the most functional center arrangement?

The goal of having the child grasp the inerrelatedness of speaking, listening, reading and writing.


Is it true that about six in ten parents read books about parenting before their children are born?



What is an attuned adult?

An adult that can recognize an infant's cues and responds with sensitivity.


What does a good classroom environment provoke?

It promotes language skills, sensory exploration and knowledge of relationships.


What are the three main functions of language centers?

1. Looking and listing activities.

2. Hands-on experiences with communication developing materials.

3. Place to storage materials.


What are educators concerns over computer programs?

It offers a "cartoon world" rather than real life experiences.


What are some ways that families and schools communicate with each other?

Emails, Social events, conferences, phone calls.


Who created the Psychosocial theory of development?

Erik Erison.


What should educators do to ensure a learning center functions the way it is supposed to?

An educator should clarify what goals of instruction and students' needs of each center will design to serve.


If a school is on a tight budget what should they be on the look out for?

Quality free or donated books, materials, and furnishings.


What are some rules a teacher may provide for a classroom computer center?

Clean hands, number of children allowed at a time, how much time allowed at a computer, use of headphones, how to ask for help.


How can a family become a resource for a school?

They can donate old but quality learning materials, join in as chaperones for field trips, becoming guest speakers and raising funds.


What would a nurturist think of direct teacher interference?

A child needs direct
interference from a teacher to


How can a teacher minimize the cultural discontinuity that may exist between home and school lives?

Show diversity. Display diverse children household items, cultural clothing, music intruments, printed language examples, books, photographs etc.


What are three suggested furnishing ideas that are shown in the figures?

1. A crawl-into listening area.

2. Children's work file box.

3. Bookcases that act as boundaries.


Researchers state that computer programs have been found to improved the speech of children with what disability?

Children with Dyslexia and Dysphasia.


What are the main points of phonemic awareness?

Essential skill to reading. Become aware and play with sounds and rhymes. Speech is composed of phonems. Family word-play with letter sounds can increase skill.


What is purposeful listening?

The child follows directions and gives responses.


What did Gerde et al.'s (2015) study of 265 children from 68 classrooms emphasize?

 Their study emphasized that not only should the environment be print-rich but also that the print is meaningful and serves a function for the children, with teachers actively encouraging children to incorporate the print around them into play and classroom routines.


Compared to other learning centers what should a language arts center be like?

Language arts centers should be quiet places that are separated from the more vigorous classroom activities.


What is a good location for a computer center?

It should be placed in a quiet, separated, low-traffic area that easily allows a teacher to monitor it.


How do preschool staff prepare for home-based conferences with family?

Collecting child work samples, observation records, assessments and academic progress.


What is discriminative listening?

The child becomes aware of
changes in pitch and