a policy in which a country allows the unfettered flow of goods and services between itself and other countries
What is free trade?
when a country or multiple countries suspend trade or other financial relationships with another country in order to signal their displeasure with the behavior of the other country.
What are economic sanctions?
sometimes called statutes, are policies that affect more than a single individual.
What are public laws?
CIA stands for
What is Central Intelligence Agency?
whereby a country stays out of foreign entanglements and keeps to itself
What is isolationism?
The War Powers Resolution was passed in 1973 by a congressional override of President ___________’s veto.
Who is Richard Nixon?
one nation or region is much more powerful militarily than are the countries of the rest of the world.
What is a balance of power?
require some sort of action or payment by a specific individual or individuals named in the law.
What are private laws?
the theory where there are two distinct presidencies, one for foreign policy and one for domestic policy,
What is the two presidencies thesis?
the president that warned against “entangling alliances.”
Who is George Washington?
a policy of distancing the United States from the United Nations and other international organizations, while still participating in the world economy
What is neo-isolationism?
a cross-national military organization with bases in Belgium and Germany formed to maintain stability in Europe
What is NATO?
The _________ governs the way the government shares and stores information,
What is the National Security Act?
the wall that fell ending the cold war
What is the Berlin Wall?
this war caused isolationism to virtually disappear
What is WWII?
an international agreement that is not a treaty and that is negotiated and approved by the president acting alone
What is sole executive agreement?
a government’s goals in dealing with other countries or regions and the strategy used to achieve them
What is foreign policy?
The _________ (passed immediately after 9/11) clarifies what the government may do in collecting information about people in the name of protecting the country.
What is the Patriot Act?
the time period in which the democrat and republican party became polarized in congress
What is the 1980's and 1990's?
Liberal internationalism advocates a foreign policy approach in which the United States becomes proactively engaged in world affairs.
What is liberal internationalism?
a policy of retaining a strong military presence and remaining engaged across the world
What is selective engagement?
a policy in which a country does not permit other countries to sell goods and services within its borders or charges them very high tariffs (import taxes) to do so
What is protectionism?
All federal agencies, including those dedicated to foreign policy, face reauthorization every ____________ years.
What are three to five years?
the nations main diplomat
Who is the Secretary of State?
limiting the spread of communism
What is containment?