A 6'4, 180 pound, Illinois Senator.
Abraham Lincoln
During the panic of 1857 (Northern manufacturers/Southern slave holders) blamed their misfortunes on the tariff of 1857.
Northern manufacturers
The final remaining national party was split, what caused this split?
President Buchanan’s antagonization of the Douglas democrats in the North.
Upon succession, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and South Carolina became known as...
The Confederate States of America
This senator was beat over the head with a cane.
Charles Sumner
Uncle Tom's Cabin's publisher
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Tariff of 1857 did what? Why did congress enact this?
1. It lowered duties on dutiable goods to 20% (lowest point since the War of 1812)
2. Congress was embarrassed by its overflowing treasury and was pressured by Southerners to lower it.
Who were the Democratic and Republican “standard-bearers of 1856”?
James Buchanan and John C. Frémont.
Supreme Court case that set a political precedent saying slaves were considered property of their masters no matter what state they were in.
Dred Scott vs Stanford
Abraham Lincoln's birthplace
Abolitionist who created a scheme to invade the South secretly.
John Brown
Who faced no problems economically during the panic of 1857 and why?
The South because of their exceptional cotton business.
What was a large reason for Buchanan’s victory in the election?
The south threatened that the election of a “Black Republican” would be a declaration of war.
The document proposed by Kansas for statehood where the people only voted for with or without slavery.
Lecompton Constitution
The Supreme Court said Dred Scott could not do what because he was a slave?
A slave who sued for his freedom.
Dred Scott
The panic of 1857 was the worst ______ panic of the 19th century.
The panic of 1857 was the worst psychological panic of the 19th century
Who did the Constitutional Union Party nominate in the election of 1860?
John Bell of Tennessee
A middle of the road group who feared for the Union and nominated John Bell of Tennessee for the presidency.
Constitutional Union Party
This election was considered the most impactful in American History.
This presidential standard-bearer was nicknamed "Old Buck."
James Buchanan
During the Panic of 1857 in the North, financial distress gave a new vigor to the demand of free farms of 160 acres from the public domain (originally lands were sold to boost the federal government's revenue). The _____ and the ____ were against this because...
East and South. Easterners were afraid the free land would take away their underpaid workers. Southerners were afraid that it would increase the amount of free-soilers (160 acres was not enough to support gang-labor slavery)
The Democrats who met in Charleston to nominate a candidate for the election of 1860 were deeply ____.
The Democrats who met in Charleston to nominate a candidate for the election of 1860 were deeply divided.
Here, John Brown seized the federal arsenal but accidentally killed seven innocent people.
Harpers Ferry
Name one of the five summary points of the chapter from the slides.
1. Large time for political party progression
2. Slave debate finally beginning to be addressed
3. Lincoln’s up and coming
4. Time in which the final tensions leading to the civil war formed
5. Clear North vs. South precedent